[aprssig] Machine-readable tocall file: any progress?

Heikki Hannikainen hessu at hes.iki.fi
Wed Feb 19 23:49:22 EST 2014


On Wed, 19 Feb 2014, Andrew P. wrote:

> I remembered the discussion from a few months ago about having a machine-readable version of the tocall list, and started working on using
> the JSON file that someone cranked out. Was anything else done with that?

Well, it's there. I've been using it a bit myself. Mic-E device 
identifiers are missing from it still.

> Is there a standard place to download the file?


You can find URLs to download raw individual files from there, too.

> Or am I the only
> one trying to do something with that file? Inquiring minds want to know.

I'm sure I'll be using it on aprs.fi pretty soon.

   - Hessu

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