[aprssig] mic-e: technical info or source code ??

Kristoff Bonne kristoff.bonne at skypro.be
Wed May 29 17:58:48 EDT 2013

Hi Scott, (and everybody else).

I'm sorry. I think I mixed up the "mic-e application" (i.e. send a APRS 
packet at the end of a transmission on an analog repeater) and the 
"mic-e format".

Issue solved. Thanks!

kristoff - ON1ARF

On 29-05-13 22:57, Scott Miller wrote:
> Mic-E is just one format of APRS, which is normally used over 1200 baud
> AX.25.  You'll want to look up the APRS specification.
> http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDAQFjAA&url=ftp%3A%2F%2Fftp.tapr.org%2Faprssig%2Faprsspec%2Fspec%2Faprs101%2FAPRS101.pdf&ei=PWumUbNYqIyKApGbgZAM&usg=AFQjCNFX9MVpV4dnbbqccRlYOCHDT45pcw&sig2=2fpi2kGNFp0UBP-TgljDxg&bvm=bv.47244034,d.cGE&cad=rja
> There are plenty of open source APRS clients out there.  My OpenTracker
> series will decode Mic-E, but won't encode it because I feel that Base91
> is a better solution.  The devices will still work as mic encoders,
> sending a burst when you unkey, just not in the format normally referred
> to as Mic-E.
> Scott
> N1VG
> On 5/29/2013 1:28 PM, Kristoff Bonne wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to find the technical documentation on the mic-e protocol.
>> (i.e. the 300 ms burst to be send at the end of a voice transmission on
>> a repeater).
>> There is a webpage on info.aprs.net, but that does not even mention the
>> modulation scheme, baudrate, etc.
>> Is the open-source code available for decoding and encoding mic-e
>> transmissions? Is there an open-source hardware implementation of it?
>> 73
>> kristoff - ON1ARF
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