[aprssig] ICOM ID 51A HT
Pat Cook
kb0oxd at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 18:00:14 EDT 2013
STEVE - Wrong Bob. You're refeerring to Bob Bruninga, WB4APR I'm referring
to (and was replying to) Bob Burns, W9BU. Unless Bob has changed name &
call, they're NOT & the same :-) *LOL!*
That out of the way, yes there are interoperability issues between APRS &
D-STAR **BUT** it's not like they are projects underway to address them.
In the meantime, I think Steve hit the nail on the head more accurately.
Right now, it is an Apples & Oranges comparison HOWEVER I think as radios
like the D-51A become more and more commonly available & used, the demand
to integrate APRS & D-STAR together via DPRS will only increase. It's just
the natural progression of things :-) Until then, there'll only be limited
functionality between the two (Messaging & such which APRSDroid is already
capable of)
Cheers & 73 :-)
On Wed, Mar 27, 2013 at 2:29 PM, Amateur Radio WB8NUT <duffy at wb8nut.com>wrote:
> As I understand it as a user of both DStar and APRS, DPRS is simply a
> gateway of the position information from a DStar radio to the APRS network.
> DPRS does not support APRS messaging and you cannot at this time at least,
> take information from APRS back into the DStar network. In fact, I am not
> sure you would want to do that anyway.
> DPRS does what it is supposed to do and it works fine for what it is, but
> DPRS is clearly not APRS. Apples and oranges comparison.
> Duffy
> www.wb8nut.com
> Steve Dimse <steve at dimse.com>
> March 27, 2013 4:18 PM
> Actually, you are dead wrong here. APRS is a registered trademark owned
> by Bob. If he says something isn't APRS, then it isn't APRS. Period.
> It isn't just semantics and legalese. Bob has been very generous with
> allowing people to use the trademark, however he does require some
> interoperability. DStar's implementation does not have that
> interoperability, and there should not be called APRS. If DPRS were to
> become fully interoperable with APRS they might find themselves in a
> position to be blessed by Bob, but make no mistake, if Bob doesn't say it
> is APRS then it is not APRS.
> Steve K4HG
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> Pat Cook <kb0oxd at gmail.com>
> March 27, 2013 4:08 PM
> Bob - To say that DPRS isn't APRS simply isn't (At least entirely) true.
> D-STAR, like APRS, is also built on RF. The only difference is D-STAR is
> DIGITAL RF while APRS is ANALOG RF !! Nevertheless, it's STILL RF (That's
> a point that also needs to be reinforced).
> Now turning to DPRS - Sounds to me like those who are working behind the
> scenes still have yet to find a way to bridge the gap between the two. As
> a result, those who aren't "In the know" (MYSELF INCLUDED) are left giving
> thoughts & opinions which may not even be REMOTELY CLOSE to something
> resembling knowledgeable about how the two interface & interact with one
> another
> And we wonder why most people don't bother with Ham Radio? LOOK AT US
> !!! Most people who aren't the least bit interested in Ham Radio wouldn't
> even mess with a mode of communications like this
> Getting off the soapbox, I think I'm gonna have to seek input from those
> within the D-STAR community as well since they have D-STAR radios. I say
> this because the vast majority of people here (Or at least SOME people here
> as I said before) DO NOT even own a D-STAR radio (Some probably don't even
> consider to be "Real" radio, even though that's a myth). As such, they're
> offering so-called "Expert" information on a radio using technology THEY
> KNOW NOTHING ABOUT !!! That (As I also said before) isn't very useful
> It'll likely be more ACCURATE too
> Again, NOT trying to bite the hands feeding me BUT there's nothing useful
> about someone posting information on something when they (Likely) know NEXT
> TO NOTHING about that something. Not very productive or useful. Again
> just saying.....
> Cheers & 73 :-)
> --
> Pat Cook, KB0OXD
> Denver, CO
> KB0OXD Cybershack - http://www.wix.com/kb0oxd/kb0oxd/
> KB0OXD Cybershack Soap Box - http://kb0oxd.blogspot.com/
> EchoLink Node No. 19905 (LINK COMING SOON - 147.465 Mhz. Simplex/100.0 Hz
> PL)
> APRS TRACKER ( NEW !!! ) - http://aprs.fi/KB0OXD (Usually on as KB0OXD-5
> Via APRSDroid)
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> Pat Cook <kb0oxd at gmail.com>
> March 27, 2013 3:38 PM
> Well I got the external TNC so that's no problem. However if the local
> D-STAR repeater has software that allows for APRS-like packets to be sent
> via D-PRS, then TXing those packets shouldn't be a problem IF it's
> installed properly by the trustee of the repeater, control operator and/or
> the technical crew so therefore, I fail to see how "Kerchunking" the
> repeater would somehow be frowned upon since it wouldn't be detectable
> anyway & would be well within the norm
> Let's seperate the wheat from the chaffe a bit here.....
> Sounds like *Some* people on here don't know much about D-STAR & how it
> operates & probably need to learn (Others OTOH on here DO). Not knocking
> anybody or biting the hands feeding me BUT if you're NOT informed or
> educated on D-STAR & how D-STAR radios operate & integrate with APRS,
> PLEASE move on. You're not helping things any. I'm not educated much on
> either BUT am interested in learning before buying my next radio. Just
> saying...... :-)
> Cheers & 73 :-)
> --
> Pat Cook, KB0OXD
> Denver, CO
> KB0OXD Cybershack - http://www.wix.com/kb0oxd/kb0oxd/
> KB0OXD Cybershack Soap Box - http://kb0oxd.blogspot.com/
> EchoLink Node No. 19905 (LINK COMING SOON - 147.465 Mhz. Simplex/100.0 Hz
> PL)
> APRS TRACKER ( NEW !!! ) - http://aprs.fi/KB0OXD (Usually on as KB0OXD-5
> Via APRSDroid)
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Pat Cook, KB0OXD
Denver, CO
KB0OXD Cybershack - http://www.wix.com/kb0oxd/kb0oxd/
KB0OXD Cybershack Soap Box - http://kb0oxd.blogspot.com/
EchoLink Node No. 19905 (LINK COMING SOON - 147.465 Mhz. Simplex/100.0 Hz
APRS TRACKER ( NEW !!! ) - http://aprs.fi/KB0OXD (Usually on as KB0OXD-5
Via APRSDroid)
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