[aprssig] ICOM ID 51A HT

Pat Cook kb0oxd at gmail.com
Wed Mar 27 15:38:37 EDT 2013

Well I got the external TNC so that's no problem.  However if the local
D-STAR repeater has software that allows for APRS-like packets to be sent
via D-PRS, then TXing those packets shouldn't be a problem IF it's
installed properly by the trustee of the repeater, control operator and/or
the technical crew so therefore, I fail to see how "Kerchunking" the
repeater would somehow be frowned upon since it wouldn't be detectable
anyway & would be well within the norm

Let's seperate the wheat from the chaffe a bit here.....

Sounds like *Some* people on here don't know much about D-STAR & how it
operates & probably need to learn (Others OTOH on here DO).  Not knocking
anybody or biting the hands feeding me BUT if you're NOT informed or
educated on D-STAR & how D-STAR radios operate & integrate with APRS,
PLEASE move on.  You're not helping things any.  I'm not educated much on
either BUT am interested in learning before buying my next radio.  Just
saying...... :-)

Cheers & 73 :-)

On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 3:30 PM, Bob Burns W9BU <w9bu_lists at rlburns.net>wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 26, 2013 at 4:13 PM, Kent Hufford <khufford at atlanticbb.net>wrote:
> You will NOT see the 144.39mhz analog APRS station on your DSTAR radio,
>> nor will an analog APRS FM radio see the DSTAR station.
> This is an important point that really needs to be reinforced.
> I hear of many hams "getting into APRS" using APRS-IS client applications
> on smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc. I also hear of D-Star users talk
> about seeing their positions on APRS-IS client applications. Both methods
> work great...as long as everyone has an Internet connection.
> APRS was built on an RF-based network in which everyone in a local area
> could decode other APRS users' beacons and, in more advanced applications,
> see those positions on a map. No Internet access required. The APRS-IS
> server network came along later and provided an additional means of seeing
> APRS data that originated on the RF network. Now, we have APRS users who
> only use the Internet and never send an APRS beacon on RF. Since most
> I-gates don't, and shouldn't, reverse gate this Internet-sourced APRS data
> back to RF, the RF users never see what's happening on the Internet side of
> the servers.
> I'm not knocking D-Star. But, D-Star users have to understand that DPRS is
> not APRS.
> Bob...
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Pat Cook, KB0OXD
Denver, CO
KB0OXD Cybershack - http://www.wix.com/kb0oxd/kb0oxd/
KB0OXD Cybershack Soap Box - http://kb0oxd.blogspot.com/
EchoLink Node No. 19905 (LINK COMING SOON - 147.465 Mhz. Simplex/100.0 Hz
APRS TRACKER ( NEW !!! ) - http://aprs.fi/KB0OXD (Usually on as KB0OXD-5
Via APRSDroid)
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