[aprssig] Creating and maintaining a repeater object

KB5ILY - Travis W. Burton kb5ily at arrl.net
Fri Sep 21 18:51:29 EDT 2012

The best place to create such odjects is at the local digi.  Contact the 
SysOp (manager) of the dig and ask them to create them, refer them to the 
info on http://www.aprs.org/fix14439.html

73 de Travis KB5ILY

On Fri, 21 Sep 2012, Sander Pool wrote:

> Hi,
> almost two weeks ago I was hiking in Point Reyes National Seashore and 
> received two repeater objects that my D72 would happily tune to. Very. One 
> repeater I could hit, the other one I could not. I've always been a fan of 
> repeater objects as it solves the age old problem of "I'm new here, what 
> repeater should I listen to". None of the repeaters around here have repeater 
> objects. I'd like to change that. The only way I know how to do this at the 
> moment is to have create these objects in APRSIS/32 and have it run all the 
> time so it injects these objects into the APRSIS servers for igates to pick 
> up.
> This seems a bit cumbersome. Is there no way to tell some service somewhere 
> what objects I have and how often they should announce themselves? If not 
> then is this one of the reasons repeater objects aren't widely used? Most of 
> the repeaters I know around here do not have a matching igate that could 
> inject these objects.
> I've poked in the archives but didn't really find anything related. Perhaps I 
> didn't look correctly or (likely) I don't understand at all how this works. 
> Please correct me in that case.
> Thanks,
>    Sander W1SOP
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73 de Travis KB5ILY
             Travis W. Burton, NP, ESQ., KB5ILY / Arkadelphia AR
                 President, DeGray Amateur Radio club, Inc.
        EC - Clark County AR / SW Arkansas District Emergency Coord.
                SATERN, ARRL Instructor & VE, AREC I, II & III
                               W5YI Instructor
                       Internet: mailto:kb5ily at arrl.net
                          WWW:  http://www.kb5ily.org
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