[aprssig] Garmin Rino Basestation

Tom Hayward esarfl at gmail.com
Wed Sep 19 17:43:54 EDT 2012

On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Jason Rausch <jason at ke4nyv.com> wrote:
> Tom,
> I think it might be Garmin "BaseCamp".
> http://www.garmin.com/us/products/onthetrail/basecamp
> Jason Rausch - KE4NYV
> RPC Electronics, LLC
> www.rpc-electronics.com

Ah, I have this software. I find it a bit cumbersome to use, so I
haven't used it much. I don't have a Rino unit to test the realtime
features, but BaseCamp can download waypoint and track data from most
all Garmin GPS units. It's my understanding that the Rinos just store
unit positions as waypoints, so I'm not surprised they have the
ability to download these for display on a computer.

Xastir does the same thing. If you attach a Garmin Rino to a computer
with Xastir, it can periodically poll the Rino for unit position data,
and display that along with the APRS data. Not having a Rino unit,
that's about the extend of my knowledge.


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