[aprssig] Future for aprs

Hans Hassemer hans.hassemer at gmail.com
Fri Sep 7 18:10:45 EDT 2012

Well I am sort of new to APRS however I do agree about the different
aspects of the hobby. Bob I do agree with you as a whole. But it is
frustrating when you want to find something out and can't because no one
knows or cares. I have yet to figure out the best online program to use for
APRS and how to use it when I download it.

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 1:40 PM, Bob Burns W9RXR <w9rxr_ at rlburns.net> wrote:

> At 05:46 PM 9/6/2012, Scott Miller wrote:
>  Not everyone here lives and breathes APRS...You can't be an expert in
>> everything.
> Nor should they, in my opinion. I think we provide the greatest benefit to
> amateur radio by being well-rounded (and I'm not talking about body
> shapes). It concerns me to hear hams say "I only work contests" or "I only
> do storm spotting" or "I only do APRS". I think those hams are being a bit
> narrow-minded. On the other hand, if that's what suits their interests, so
> be it.
> There are many facets to amateur radio. I've often said that if you are
> bored with amateur radio, just look around. There's bound to be some other
> mode of operating or some other specialized pursuit that might interest you.
>  That's up to you.  Again, not everyone can be an expert, and not everyone
>> *wants* to be an expert in a given field - some people just want to get a
>> job done.
> To some folks, amateur radio is tool, just like a computer or a
> screwdriver or a chef's knife is a tool. They don't need to know how to
> build those tools in order to use them. But, to get the best use out of
> them, they may have to learn a few things beyond just putting hands on the
> mouse or the handle.
> That "amateur radio is a tool" attitude may be the source of Andrew's
> frustrations. Kenwood and Yaesu have done a lot to popularize APRS. It now
> falls onto those of us who have been messing with APRS for few years to
> educate these new APRS users. I've done a few presentations at various club
> meetings and hamfests about APRS. And, I've done a lot of direct elmering
> with new APRS users. I'm not trying to pat myself on the back, but I am
> trying to make a point that we need to do our part to educate new APRS-ers.
>  I've been hearing complaints about appliance operators since I got
>> licensed a quarter century ago, and it was an old story then.
> Hey, I'm one of those appliance operators! I'm very grateful to Scott and
> Byon and the engineers at Kenwood and Yaesu for bringing products to market
> that let me get on APRS by building nothing more than an interface cable. I
> shouldn't leave out the software authors, either. I wouldn't have gotten
> into APRS without the efforts of a bunch of guys who are smarter or more
> talented than me.
> Bob...
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Hans Hassemer -- KK4CIO
Dixie Alley Storm Chaser Team
D.A.S.C. - 33
Emergency Coordinator for A.R.E.S. Henderson County, Tn
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