[aprssig] APRS propagation monitor

John Gorkos jgorkos at gmail.com
Wed Jun 6 16:32:25 EDT 2012

Great question. No license information on the web site, no license
included in the (binary only) download, no idea how he built it, who's
work he based it on (if any), what the redistribution rights are, etc,
etc.  It would be nice if someone could convince him to release the code,
or at least portions of it, so it could be cross-ported to any other OS.
Unfortunately, I suspect this will be another UIView-style author who
takes it all with him when he goes.
The itch you want to scratch has several solutions, but most of them would
involve looking at other code (FLDigi?) and using their modem ideas and
blending them into the linux soundmodem base code, and doing it all in C.

John Gorkos

On 6/6/12 4:23 PM, "Chris Howard w0ep" <w0ep at w0ep.us> wrote:

>So, what's his secret and can it be applied to the
>Linux version of soundmodem?
>> The UZ7HO Soundmodem outperformed everything else tested, hardware or
>> software, by around 3 dB!
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