[aprssig] Yet Another APRS Client is now available...

Andrew P. andrewemt at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 25 09:30:00 EST 2012

It's KISS-only, but it attempts to send the KISS ON and RESTART commands to switch over a TNC2. Alas, it doesn't put it back to command mode when it's done; is that a desirable feature?

Andrew Pavlin, KA2DDO
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Rausch <jason at ke4nyv.com>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 13:26:22 
To: <aprssig at tapr.org>; <aprs at almostanywhere.com>
Subject: Re: [aprssig] Yet Another APRS Client is now available...

Ah, ok!  That did it.
 Does this program support KISS?  I just got it fired up.  I'm in the port setup and I only see an option for SERIAL_TNC.  Is this KISS or the old dreaded command/converse scheme?
 Jason Rausch - KE4NYV
 RPC Electronics, LLC
 www.rpc-electronics.com <http://www.rpc-electronics.com> 
 --- On Wed, 1/25/12, Bruce W. Martin <aprs at almostanywhere.com> wrote:
 > From: Bruce W. Martin <aprs at almostanywhere.com>
 > Subject: Re: [aprssig] Yet Another APRS Client is now available...
 > To: "TAPR APRS Mailing List" <aprssig at tapr.org>
 > Cc: jason at ke4nyv.com
 > Date: Wednesday, January 25, 2012, 8:15 AM
 > The link is not dead it is just
 > malformed. Copy the text and paste that in your browser and
 > it should work.
 > Bruce, KQ4TV
 > On Jan 25, 2012, at 7:10 AM, Jason Rausch wrote:
 > > Is the link currently dead?  I get a page not
 > found error when going to it.
 > > 
 > > Jason Rausch - KE4NYV
 > > RPC Electronics, LLC
 > > www.rpc-electronics.com <http://www.rpc-electronics.com> 
 > > 
 > > --- On Tue, 1/24/12, Andrew P. <andrewemt at hotmail.com>
 > wrote:
 > > 
 > > From: Andrew P. <andrewemt at hotmail.com>
 > > Subject: [aprssig] Yet Another APRS Client is now
 > available...
 > > To: aprssig at tapr.org
 > > Date: Tuesday, January 24, 2012, 10:49 PM
 > > 
 > > Greetings, all.
 > > 
 > > After weeks of waiting for the lawyers at my day-job
 > employer to finish with the red tape, I now legally own my
 > APRS program, so I can give it out now.
 > > 
 > > YAAC ("Yet Another APRS Client") is an APRS client
 > application intended for PC's, MacOSX, and Linux (and
 > possibly some other platforms). It provides all the basic
 > functionality one would expect from an APRS client,
 > including interfacing both to TNCs/GPSs and to the Tier 2
 > APRS-IS servers, and has standalone mapping built in (no
 > Internet connection required for map displays) that is
 > pannable and zoomable without a separate mapping program. It
 > supports multiple simultaneously-connected TNCs and
 > digipeating.
 > > 
 > > Other features include:
 > >     . map display mode
 > >     . sortable tabular reporting of
 > all heard stations, objects, and raw messages
 > >     . 4 different ways of looking at
 > messages
 > >     . support for the New-N
 > digipeating paradigm with standard aliases built-in and
 > regional aliases user-enterable
 > >     . 9 different ways of filtering
 > message traffic to isolate specific data
 > >     . automatic timestamped logging of
 > both received and transmitted messages
 > >     . a plugin architecture allowing
 > drop-in extensions
 > >     . built on top of other open
 > source products, such as OpenStreetMap, rxtx, and JavaHelp
 > >     . compatible with any KISS or
 > TNC2-compliant TNC, including the built-in TNCs in Kenwood
 > radios
 > >     . designed for plug-in I18N
 > localized prompts and display messages
 > > 
 > > I plan on releasing YAAC as open-source (yes, you will
 > be able to see and modify the source code) under the Lesser
 > Gnu Public License as soon as I've resolved any major issues
 > reported by the alpha-testers (hint, hint). In the meantime,
 > the alpha-testers will receive ready-to-run binary
 > distributions while I fix any reported bugs, finish writing
 > the online help, and bring the source code into full
 > compliance with the LGPL.
 > > 
 > > So, anyone who would like to help get this ready for
 > prime-time usage, please sign up on the Yahoo group
 > yaac-alpha-testers (targeted at supporting the alpha-test
 > effort) and visit my website to get the alpha-test
 > distribution and instructions.
 > > 
 > > http://www.findtheater.com/ka2ddo/YAAC.html
 > > 
 > > (No, that's not a bogus URL; I'm piggybacking off the
 > amateur theater website [another Java application] I also
 > wrote and run.)
 > > 
 > > Thanks in advance for your help. Bug reports and
 > suggestions for improvements and enhancements welcome.
 > > 
 > > Andrew Pavlin, KA2DDO
 > > professional software engineer, amateur radio operator
 > and thespian
 > > 
 > > > From: andrewemt at hotmail.com
 > > > To: aprssig at tapr.org
 > > > Date: Thu, 17 Nov 2011 20:20:31 +0000
 > > > Subject: [aprssig] How to get new software
 > evaluated???
 > > > 
 > > > Greetings, all (especially WB4APR).
 > > > 
 > > > As promised, I have a first (very early) cut of my
 > new APRS application (currently code-named YAAC, for "Yet
 > Another APRS Client" :-) waiting to be pounded on by experts
 > in the field. It is not ready for full release quite yet
 > (still have some source code clean-up and a few missing
 > sub-features to add), but I would like to know if I'm doing
 > the right thing or have majorly stumbled down the wrong path
 > in my development efforts.
 > > > 
 > > > So, I'd be interested in having Bob (and any
 > others in the core of APRS development who are interested
 > and have the time) take a whack at using my app, and tell me
 > where I need to improve and/or correct it before I let it
 > out to the general public.
 > > > 
 > > > How is this sort of thing done here? I'm not ready
 > to hand out source code yet (the innards aren't stable
 > enough to have others tinker yet), but I can easily ship a
 > zip file that unpacks a runnable distribution. 
 > > > 
 > > > Known working platforms are Windows XP (NTFS
 > filesystems only, for some weird reason) and Fedora Core
 > Linux (releases 13 and 15, with a hack needed on 15). It
 > should work on any 32-bit Windows or Linux distro with Java
 > installed, and theoretically should work on MacOSX too. It
 > can listen to APRS-IS servers, and both receive and transmit
 > through KISS (or KISSable by TNC2 command) TNC's, and listen
 > to Kenwood radios in APRS mode (Kenwood firmware doesn't
 > seem to allow transmitting APRS from the radio and a
 > computer simultanously). It also works with NMEA
 > 0183-compliant GPS receivers (not yet with gpsd in the way).
 > App configuration is done inside the app with a
 > configuration GUI; no need to hand-edit config files.
 > > > 
 > > > So, how do I get some initial alpha-test field
 > feedback?
 > > > 
 > > > Andrew Pavlin, KA2DDO
 > > > Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
 > > > 
 > > > _______________________________________________
 > > > aprssig mailing list
 > > > aprssig at tapr.org
 > > > https://www.tapr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aprssig
 > > 
 > > -----Inline Attachment Follows-----
 > > 
 > > _______________________________________________
 > > aprssig mailing list
 > > aprssig at tapr.org
 > > https://www.tapr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aprssig
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 > > aprssig mailing list
 > > aprssig at tapr.org
 > > https://www.tapr.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/aprssig
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 aprssig at tapr.org

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