[aprssig] New MSG-OBJ format (rev b)

Bob Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Thu Feb 23 11:22:02 EST 2012

> The 3 character proposal (including the brackets) 
> was a short-cut for primary table symbols.

Thanks.  But I don't like it.  Making this additional option violates the
KISS principle.

I am not in the least concerned about entering [/]] for example for a
runner.  Because anyone that will be using this technique will almost always
be calling up a previous object message and EDITing it for a new object
rather than try to poke it in fresh each time.

Further the vast majority of this capability will be used at special events
and again, editing a previous object will be the method of entry.  The
TH-D72 has a 100 message list,  I can go back even now and call up some
messages objects I sent LAST year during a hiking event.  Edit one, send it,
and now it is at the top of the list again.

So when you consider that the [/X] only has to be entered once and from then
on, it is simply used as an editing template, then people will realize how
easy it is to use this capabitity.

Bob, Wb4APR

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