[aprssig] Emergency Locate: Avoid putting "EMERGENCY" (all caps) in beacons please!

Curt, WE7U curt.we7u at gmail.com
Sun Dec 9 23:37:35 EST 2012

This occurs periodically, someone putting the string "EMERGENCY" into their APRS beacon.  I saw another one today.

Here's a comment section straight out of the Xastir sources:

   // Check for "EMERGENCY" anywhere in the line.
   // APRS+SA also supports any of these in the TO: field:
   //      EMERGENCY
   //      ALARM
   //      ALERT
   //      WARNING
   //      WXALARM
   //      EM

Though the comment doesn't say so explicity, Xastir's code checks for the other named strings in the TO fields just like APRS+SA does.

The end result is:  If you put the string "EMERGENCY" in all caps in your APRS packets, loads of Xastir and APRS+SA stations will center the map on your location.  Some of those may try to get you some help, via hams or via emergency vehicles.

The one today caused me to send a message to the NWAPRS list today to get some help for a ham down in Oregon.  Luckily it wasn't needed, but I'd rather send help unnecessarily than miss sending it when needed.

Please use mixed or lower-case if putting the word "EMERGENCY" into your beacons.  Thanks!

Curt, WE7U.        http://wetnet.net/~we7u
Closed-minded about open (-source)...

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