[aprssig] APRS at Philmont

Steve K0STK k0stk at arrl.net
Thu Aug 23 14:46:10 EDT 2012

Our Scout Troop (111, Fargo ND) recently sent a crew down to Philmont.

I carried my VX-8GR (and Diamond 1/4 wave whip) to the summit of Mt
Baldy. Managed to send a few packets through the TDAD digi ~45 miles
away. Heard quite a bit of traffic up there. Packets will be visible on
aprs.fi for a few more days; search for K0STK-7.

Didn't try APRS from down in the canyons, though.

On the way down and back my HT was running through the 1/4 wave magmount
on my SUV's roof.

73, Steve, K0STK // k0stk at arrl.net

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