[aprssig] N666BK-1 no legal call what so ever...

Steve Noskowicz noskosteve at yahoo.com
Sun Apr 15 16:02:01 EDT 2012

On APRS.FI he:
A -  spent a lot of time in the pattern at Princeton/Rocky Hill and on the ground.  Perhaps his plane is based there:  Manager: KENNETH NIERENBERG Phone 609-921-3100   It appears to have corner pegging showing up during turns (7-8 sec beacon rate), but 60 sec when straight.

B - landed at Ocean City Muni Manager:  WILLIAM R COLANGELO Phone 609-525-9223

C - Circled, may have landed at Central Jersey Regional: Manager:  GREG BURCHETTE Phone 908-526-2822


--  o ---
  Though my browser is goofy today, I did some surfing.  Couldn't find a phone #, but: 
He is a member of: Plymouth Area Pilots Group. 
One of the Plymoth organizers, "Rich M." has a Hangar at Taunton Muni: 
   Manager:  DANIEL RAPOSA  Phone 508-821-2973 
Another member, Jack Rosen lives in Wareham and has a Hangar at 
  New Bedford Regional 508-991-7660 
Another member, "John S." is also part of: http://www.rivetbangers.com/ 
Since he was near Rangely, try the Rangeley airport manager: 
Manager:  TIKI L. WHITE Phone 207-864-3326 
He's been at it for a while.  Just Google his name " VLADYSLAV V KARPAYEV Bayonne, NJ"… 
Aircraft: KARPAYEV VLADYSLAV V RV-9A (Category: Land, Seats: 2, Weight: Up to 12,499 Pounds), Engine: LYCOMING O-320-D2G (160 HP) (Reciprocating) 
N-Number: 666BK , Serial Number: 91449, Year manufactured: 2011, Airworthiness Date: 06/19/2011 
Registrant (Individual): Vladyslav V Karpayev, 131 W 46th St, Bayonne, NJ 07002 
From: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=74616 
Subj:  APRS police on warpath 
The following post appeared on the APRS Yahoo Users' group ( followed by my defense of you guys), so if any of you know this evil-doer, please have a friendly chat with him! 
If anyone knows VLADYSLAV V KARPAYEV from BAYONNE, NJ he could use some guidance. He is proudly showing off his RV-9A kit plane to the mid atlantic area. He even put a SSID on his airplane tail number N666BK-1. There is an individual that will be trying to post a note to the vans airplane forum to let them know that wide1-1 is bad for the aircraft. It seems like the vans group has decided that Automatic POSITION reporting system is great so those that are at home can track them "for safety". I am not anti-aircraft or anti-tracker but if the vans groups keeps up with the attitude of "get your tech license and get a tracker in your kit plane" and beacon away the airwaves APRS is going to be useless! They are just careless and apparently don't know how much damage they are doing. 
WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 and every 10 seconds is just WRONG from an aircraft! 
end of the rant... 
Carl,KB1EJH 73, Allen VHS 

Sent from my Knight-Kit Crystal Set.
73, Steve, K9DCI USN (Vet) MOT (Ret) Ham (Yet)
--- On Sun, 4/15/12, Jim Wright <ks4o at arrl.net> wrote:

From: Jim Wright <ks4o at arrl.net>
Subject: Re: [aprssig] N666BK-1 no legal call what so ever...
To: "TAPR APRS Mailing List" <aprssig at tapr.org>
Date: Sunday, April 15, 2012, 2:14 PM

N666BK is an airplane owned by Vladyslav Karpyav, KC2TPD, whose address is in Bayonne, NJ.  You could contact him and explain the rules.  Probably an innocent mistake. 

-jim KS4O

On Sun, Apr 15, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Kriss A Kliegle <kliegle at myfairpoint.net> wrote:

Happend to be on HF and watching my APRSDOS screen... couldn't help to notice N666BK-1 bombing around NH without any legal callsign in it's transmissions.
Yet another appliance operator occupying bandwidth.
Anyone know this one?
73 de Kriss  KA1GJU-X
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