[aprssig] Win7 APRS Pgm?

Amateur Radio WB8NUT duffy at wb8nut.com
Sun May 15 14:06:01 EDT 2011

I have no idea what you are referring to. AGWTracker is one file. You 
need AGWPE as a sound card TNC or to interface to a hardware TNC. If you 
want to be an IGate or Digi, then you download AGWUIDigi.

It is no different than all the modules that I downloaded for UI-View. 
The difference is that someone is actually supporting AGWTracker.

$49 if you want to register. Roger used to charge for his product also. 
The only reason UIV is free is that it is a dead, unsupported, orphaned 

It's nice that AGWTracker has active development. UI-View cannot, it 
will not be enhanced, it may not run on future operating systems....in 
other words, it is stuck in time.

AGWTracker runs on my Windows 7 system all the time. I don't have to 
reboot, it takes very little memory. It runs with AGWUIDigi, DVAP 
Software, Echolink, WinLink, and an assortment of Multimode programs 
without any issues at all. Never a lock-up.

You might want to check your system if you are having all those issues 
and need to do a weekly reboot. Something is not right.


On 5/15/11 12:32 PM, KBØNLY wrote:
> The problem I had with APRSIS and still have with it, is that it won’t 
> handle my weather data from Weather Display like UI-View does, it 
> seems to slowly drift off and stop receiving packets, I don’t know why 
> but it works for a while then just slowly dies, but I can close it and 
> open UI-View and the TNC is still sending in KISS to the computer just 
> fine.  Ok on the igate stuff, too complicated, I set up the igate on 
> UI-View with a few mouse clicks.
> Oh and UI-View is FREE, the addon map server is FREE, and the maps are 
> FREE.  I don’t know why everyone seems to think it costs money.  All 
> you need is the PA7RHM map server, works great, zoom in and out, pan 
> around, does it all.
> Another comment on AGWTracker... $49 for something that is bloated.  
> That’s another problem, want to do this, oh download another file, 
> want to do that, download another file.  I had to download a half 
> dozen different things and it never did igate correctly and the 
> weather data always dissapeared.
> I run UI-View 24/7 on a Win 7 computer that is dedicated to it and a 
> ton of other functions.  One computer does my weather station, igate, 
> digi, two scanner feeds to radioreference, weather webcam to 
> weatherunderground and my website, and echolink to my repeater for 
> linking with other area repeaters.  Gets rebooted once a week on 
> Sunday for updates and other than that it just hums along.
> When I tried AGW it would randomly lock up, too much memory use.
> 73,
> Scott KBØNLY

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