David Dobbins ddobbins at gmail.com
Mon Mar 7 11:41:34 EST 2011

Hi John, info the groups. Coincidentally, I've been playing with these
settings using the BT and LT beacons in my KPC-3+ digipeater, and also from
within UI-View Object Editor.

For reference, see these objects on findu.com:
My D72: http://map.findu.com/k7gps-7
UI-View Object editor: http://map.findu.com/ieclubmtg
UI-View Object editor: http://map.findu.com/karsmtg

Your format:
;147.15NGA*111111z3414.21N/08409.60WrT143 R60m NET2000TU Cumming,GA
as written, this will create the OBJECT 147.15NGA but the data format at the
end should be this in order to include the QSY format:
;147.15NGA*111111z3414.21N/08409.60Wr145.150MHZ T143 + R60m NET2000TU
and note the SPACE between MHZ and T143, and again on either side of the "+"
offset indicator

I believe the reason why your radio won't QSY is because it doesn't
recognize 147.15NGA as a valid entry. If you had 147.150 or 147.150+ it
would have included the QSY info on the OBJECT list...... I think.

It's good to make the OBJECT name unique as you have done, so it won't be
duplicated on the APRS-IS.

I prefer to enter short term info, like club meeting or general interest
info, from within UI-View here at the house and just broadcast it out until
the event is completed, then DELETE it. This is easier to do rather than
logging into a remote WIDEn-N KPC-3 to change the LT settings. I reserve
those for the ECHOLINK and IRLP node info per recommendations already
published, as those remain rather constant.

For those with IRLP nodes, I suggest installing the script in your Linux
IRLP box that sends the activity indicator to the APRS-IS (C for Connected,
I for Idle), then go into the UI-View application and modify the FILE, EDIT
INIGATE.INI gate then enter the IRLP-#### in the INET to RF box. This will
transmit the IRLP location and status, C or I, over the air so others who
are not connected to the APRS-IS can see it.

Check findu.com for IECLUBBTG and KARSMTG for two objects I'm announcing as

For example:
T123 - Mtg Mar10 1830hr @SCC
In UI-View click on the location where you want the OBJECT to appear
In UI-View menu item select ACTION then select OBJECT EDITOR
I entered 146.880MHz T123 - Mtg Mar10 1830hr @SCC as the COMMENT (note the
spaces between MHz and T123 and on either side of the "-" offset indicator.

People who see this on their map will know be reminded of when and where the
next Inland Empire VHF Club meeting (Spokane) is, the date and time.
People who receive this on their TM-D710 will receive it as an object, hit
the TUNE button, and the radio B side goes into VFO mode and selects the
frequency, Tone, and Offset needed to communicate.

As for sending status from a Kenwood TH-D72, so others see what freq your B
side of the radio is on at the moment, adjust setting 39 STATUS TEXT to TX
RATE 1/1 and enter some text like >Dave's TH-D72A (you can check this on
findu.com as http://map.findu.com/k7gps-7
Adjust setting 3A to QSY(Freq) QSY in Status Tone/Narrow Shift/Offset and ON
Thus findu.com says K7GPS-7>T7TPPQ,WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,qAR,K7GPS-13:`-C5l
+[/>";w}444.800MHz T088 +500>Dave's TH-D72A=
will let others know I'm monitoring 444.80+ T88. If they have a D710 they
can autotune me by hitting the TUNE button.

For general info, to send the QSY info in either a TH-D72 or TM-D710 the B
side of the radio must be in MEMORY mode, not VFO mode. If in VFO mode, no
QSY info will be sent.

Hope this helps.

David K7GPS


On Wed, 16/02/2011 at 20.33 -0500, John Gorkos wrote:
> Bob-
>   This seems broken in the Kenwood implementation.  Basically, I'll have
> double my transmit rate to get the appropriate information out there.
> Actually, I don't see any way to actually make this work unless I change
> beacon callsign to "147.15NGA" and send a position packet that looks like
> this:
> 147.15NGA>BEACON,WIDE2-1:111111z3414.21N/08409.60Wr147.150MHz T143 R60m
> NET2000TU Cumming,GA de AB0OO
> Am I misunderstanding this?  It's highly likely...
> On Wednesday, February 16, 2011 20:16:09 Guido Trentalancia wrote:
> > Hello John !
> >
> > On Wed, 16/02/2011 at 17.37 -0500, John Gorkos wrote:
> > > We're having some problems with the "TUNE" function of D710s and D72s
> > > the Atl area.
> > >
> > > I'm beaconing the following text from my Tx/Igate:
> > > ;147.15NGA*111111z3414.21N/08409.60WrT143 R60m NET2000TU Cumming,GA
> > > which seems to match, per character, what's on the localinfo.html
> > > ;FFF.FFxyz*111111zDDMM.hhN/DDDMM.hhWrTnnn RXXm NETxxxxxx MTGxxxxx
> > > .........
> >
> > Appears consistent with the specification for Frequency Objects.
> >
> > The best specification, you can find it here:
> >
> > http://webster-new.dmz.usna.edu/Users/aero/bruninga/aprs/freqspec.txt
> >
> > > We can see the objects show up correctly in the station list of the
> > > and 72s, but no amount of pushing the "tune" button does the trick.
> > > Meanwhile, tune DOES work for stations that include their freq in
> > > status text:
> > > KD4UYP-9>S3UV8R,WIDE1-1*,WIDE2-1,qAR,AB0OO-1:`oQhn*uk/]"72}147.075MHz=
> >
> > Yes, this is consistent with what is implemented in the Kenwood TM-D710.
> >
> > They have implemented what they call "QSY Function". And that works with
> > frequency information embedded in "the first 10 bytes of the existing
> > free-field position comment text or STATUS field".
> >
> > So, if you want to tune, you have to send out beacons that report the
> > frequency as specified in the document mentioned above according to the
> > paragraph "APRS Frequency Formats" and not the paragraph "Frequency
> > Objects".
> >
> > As a start, you can try:
> > >147.15 MHz T143 R60m And here you can write that it's in Cumming,GA
> >
> > but that won't create an object for you. So it's two different features,
> > but you can use both of them if needed.
> >
> > 73,
> >
> > Guido IZ6RDB
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