[aprssig] D 710 Keyboard ?

la3qma at aprs.la la3qma at aprs.la
Sat Jun 11 15:06:20 EDT 2011

Quoting "Steve Noskowicz" <noskosteve at yahoo.com>:

> If the messaging commands are present in the 710 (like the D700), I   
> didn't see them, *and* someone does a CAT interface version, that   
> could do it.

When the TM-D710 was relatively new i described a workaround on how  
you can make a keyboard interface.

It's not possible to use the TM-D700 interface as this is using a  
different method.

For the TM-D710 you can use the CAT commands to temporarily "exit" the  
APRS mode into TNC mode, format a message and transmit. Then turn the  
APRS mode back again.

I have made a small software to show this. I have also been on e-mail  
to the people making AvMap and explain how they could use the second  
serialport to send/receive messages directly to TM-D710.

You can do the interface with a small microchip.

Kai Gunter

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