[aprssig] -IS to RF Igating (was: APRS on Android)

Eric Hansen skyssx at gmail.com
Mon Jan 24 16:57:11 EST 2011

I've been using KC8IUR-10 on my iPhone, but I went through a bunch of SSIDs
before deciding -10 was the most appropriate. No idea if it is being RF
gated in my area.

On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) <
ldeffenb at homeside.to> wrote:

> I'm not familiar with all of the IGate software out there and can only
> speak for my own APRSISCE/32 which currently only supports gating messages
> for recently heard local stations from -IS to RF.  I do plan to implement
> filtered additional gating with both burst (per minute) and sustained (per
> 10 minutes) throttle limits   I'm even considering a per-callsign throttle
> limit per minute so as to limit those stations that mis-configure an
> APRS-IS-only application to beacon every 10 seconds.  The filters will also
> hopefully allow selection of packet types that will be gated, but I haven't
> really gotten down to that detail in my design yet.  But no matter what I
> end up implementing, it would still be up to the IGate operator to specify
> the filter and adjust the limits as s/he sees fit.
> Others will have to weigh in on what their preferred IGate software
> supports as far as additional -IS to RF IGate configurations and imits.
> What callsign do you operate your iPhone under?  I checked aprs.fi for
> K9LGE and only found a digipeater last heard in July of 2010.
> Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32
> Eric Lorenz K9LGE wrote:
>> Thanks Lynn...that is what I was trying to say. In addition to that...for
>> other mobile users...doesn't do much good to put contact freq, etc. into my
>> beacon if they aren't going to see it. Can reverse gating be done with
>> filters, rules, etc. to only gate certain traffic as to not overload the
>> bandwidth?
>> Thanks,
>> Eric K9LGE
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