[aprssig] ISS Digipeater Alias?

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sat Jan 8 17:00:25 EST 2011

>> ISS   145.825  ARISS | APRSAT | WIDE 
>> Is the ISS... responding to a path alias of WIDE?

Yes, probably

>> I know that it responds to ARISS, but does 
>> it also digipeat on it's own (RS0ISS-4) callsign?


>> And... it is doing alias substitution rather than 
>> callsign insertion.

Yes.  They are all aliases except for WIDEn-N.  And
unfortunately, ID is not enabled so that WIDEn-N packets do NOT
get callsign-inserted.  Without the callsign-insertion, then the
packet will not make it to the www.ariss.net web page.

That is why using ARISS is recommended.

Bob, Wb4APR

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