[aprssig] IS-to-RF alternate proposal - 'marked beacons'

Georg Lukas georg at op-co.de
Fri Dec 30 04:11:27 EST 2011

* Andre <aprs at pe1rdw.demon.nl> [2011-12-30 03:09]:
> not a bad idea but you better run a test how large a range you can
> suport on a 1200 baud channel without making it unusable for local
> users, I'm afraid that it might be a very small range.
> I have done a simular test a while ago to see how large a range I
> could stream on 9k6, about 500 km gave a near 100% load.

Remember, the goal is to provide _local_ tactical information. The
filter range should be limited to the expected RF propagation area for
the chosen path and the local channel conditions.

What are the chances that your RGATE'd packet actually travels 500km
over RF?

Also, RGATE operators have to talk to each other to not create
overlapping areas, where packets might be duplicated. That means that
any sane RGATE operator should not set the range to more than half the
distance to the next RGATE.

73 de Georg DO1GL
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