[aprssig] IS-to-RF proposal (rev b)

Andre aprs at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Thu Dec 29 17:50:15 EST 2011

Op 29-12-2011 23:05, Steve Dimse schreef:
> On Dec 29, 2011, at 4:36 PM, Andre wrote:
>> To much, igates need to be rewritten, clients need to be rewritten.
>> Have a look at my APRS-UDP proposal and see that it can be used NOW with exsisting digipeater software (DigiNed) and clients.
> Guess I'm missing your point, perhaps you can give some specific directions.
> K4HG-8 is my iPhone using G7LEU's excellent Ham Tracker app. Bob's proposal is that the local IGate automatically note (from listening to the data from the APRS-IS stream) that I am an internet-only fully validated station nearby, and will, subject to IGate operator-set limits on distance, frequency, and channel loading, send my position to the local network. This requires modifying the IGate to do that listening and IGating, but requires no modification to client software.
> How exactly, step-by-step, can APRS-UDP do that "NOW"?
> Steve K4HG

Any linux or native windows tablet phone or notebook can be used for it, 
just a normal client like xastir or aprsis32, connected to agwpe or 
linux ax25 interface.
For linux setup axipd to connect to a hub or directly to a gate, agwpe 
uses the axip driver from lu7did 
both the hub and gateway use digined with agwpe and axipdrv or axipd.
The gate is set to digipeat anything to be digied trough it's call from 
internet to rf: digipeat: 1,2 DIGI_CALL 1
The hub is set to digipeat anything to all ports but the one it recieved 
on: digipeat: all * allbut keep0
limiting is done with keep_time: 300 for 5 minutes

just like an RF station the path setting is done by the client and 
limited by digipeaters.

afterall the idea is to include a internet station into the rf network 
not simply gate then.

73 Andre PE1RDW

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