[aprssig] IS-to-RF packet Weighting

Andre aprs at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Wed Dec 28 18:55:43 EST 2011

Op 29-12-2011 0:22, Pete Loveall AE5PL Lists schreef:
> Andre,
> The regardless of where the third-party format comes from or how long your xband digipeaters have been in use, my answer still stands.  If you are gating APRS-IS packets to RF and you do not follow the specifications (see www.aprs-is.net), you risk causing loops among other issues.  Again, no matter how well-intentioned your setup is, if it doesn't follow the specifications for gating to RF, it is and will be a potential source of problems.
> 73,
> Pete Loveall AE5PL
> pete at ae5pl dot net
Again I am NOT gating aprs-is packets to RF, if it comes from aprs-is it 
is wrapped in a 3th party format, if it comes from axudp it is handled 
according to digipeater specs, aprs-is is not effected even if someone 
was to setup a igate between aprs-is and the aprs udp network  because 
the igate should not gate a packet send out from aprs-is by another 
igate back into aprs-is: http://www.aprs-is.net/IGating.aspx An APRS 
packet that is a third-party format with either TCPIP or TCPXX in the 
third-party header is considered to have originated from APRS-IS and 
must not be gated back to APRS-IS. This is to ensure no RF delays will 
induce looping.

APRS-UDP does loop prevention by only gating to RF if the first digi is 
the callsign of the udpgate.

so to sum up, APRS-UDP does not change how APRS-IS loop being handled, 
APRS-IS will be uneffected, loops inside APRS-UDP will be prevented with 
callsign based dupe prevention build into digipeater software that can 
make axudp connections.

So in short specs are followed as nowhere in the specs does it say xband 
gating must use 3th party headers, there is no need if both networks 
speak ax25 and loop/dupe checking that is not depending on time is used.

73 Andre PE1RDW

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