[aprssig] MGATES for IS-Mobiles

Andre aprs at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Tue Dec 27 16:52:16 EST 2011

Op 27-12-2011 22:20, Bob Bruninga schreef:
> OK, I am completely open to any suggestions on how to enable this. I'm 
> just making suggestions because I do not see anyone else taking a 
> positive attitude towards finding ways to make it possible.
I guess you have missed my suggestion to completly drop the idea of text 
based aprs-is at least for this application and switch to axudp based 
internet backbone.
login securety can be done on a VPN basis, gating just like a xband 
digipeater between 70cm and the national 2 meter channel, and just like 
a pure RF network the client can figure out what digipeater to use based 
on location, afterall you know your own location and the location of the 
We already have the software to build a network like that, digined for 
exsample can already set the needed digipeating rules and if it runs on 
linux it can use axudp links protected by VPN, all that is needed is 
making the client software smart enough to adjust the path to select the 
right digigate as needed, untill then excisting software can manualy 
select the right digipeater as backwards compatebilety.

73 Andre PE1RDW

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