[aprssig] Coast-to-Coast Balloon Flight

Steve Noskowicz noskosteve at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 14 18:51:29 EST 2011

Yes, it is disapointing that they have a site, yet there is little info on the group's site - though I did see that they said there would be no live video of the launch.  Also, the Twitter was very quite quiet.  I would have asked questions, but dropped my Twitter due to spam.

 73, Steve, K9DCI   USN (Vet) MOT (Ret) Ham (Yet)

--- Steve Daniels wrote:

> Date: Wednesday, December 14, 2011, 4:06 PM
> Hi Bob
> The tracker was a bigredbee high power 2M unit, I used one
> on a balloon
> flight and it's now in my car as G6UIM-9
> http://www.bigredbee.com/blgps_2mhp.htm
> Launch announcements here
> http://www.arhab.org/ARHABlaunchannouncements.html
> Most of the technical chat happened on the GPSL yahoo
> group
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/GPSL
> you don't need to be running APRSIS32 but it makes using
> ANSRVR easier, if
> you are interested in Balloons I suggest joining the
> that will give you automatic notification of Balloon
> launches the callsign
> and the location of the launch, and also notify you of
> Balloon burst.
> If you track a balloon using APRSIS32 you will also get the
> option of
> displaying the Balloon communication range circle, so you
> can see if you are
> in range.
> http://aprsisce.wikidot.com/doc:ansrvr
> I have suggested that the tracker software is modified to
> switch frequency
> and path based on longitude.
> 144.390MHz in the states, 145.825MHz path ARISS over ocean,
> and then
> 144.800MHz over Europe
> If lucky you then stand a chance of getting a report via
> ISS or PCSAT whilst
> out of range of land based stations.
> And APRSIS32 also includes the ability to track satellites
> Steve Daniels
> -----Original Message-----
> From: aprssig-bounces at tapr.org
> [mailto:aprssig-bounces at tapr.org]
> On Behalf
> Of Bob Bruninga
> Sent: 14 December 2011 21:08
> To: 'Nick'
> Cc: 'TAPR APRS Mailing List'; amsat-bb at amsat.org
> Subject: Re: [aprssig] Coast-to-Coast Balloon Flight
> This transcontinential and trans-Atlantic Balloon mission
> was fantastic!
> But in reviewing all the hundreds of emails and
> minute-by-minute tracking
> excitement, I just went back to read about the balloon
> itself, and can find
> nothing.
> The original post referred to the California Near SpaCe
> Project as being the
> owners.
> http://californianearspaceproject.com/
> But in reviewing all the emails, I can find no other
> reference to WHO
> launched it and what it is.
> Further, going to that site has NO NEWS about this mission,
> other than a
> link to APRS.FI which we are all using to track it.
> So what gives?  Are there no pictures of the launch,
> or who owns it?  Or did
> I just miss the memo...
> Bob, WB4APR
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