[aprssig] A/N game Football Tracking Underway! & APRN

Bernard Van Haecke bernard.vanhaecke at gmail.com
Sun Dec 11 14:11:41 EST 2011


Well one could use TEMP1-1 in his VIA path to avoid being digipeated and
still be heard by hams in range of the ATV transmitter.  Also, I believe that
most digipeaters won't forward TEMP packets into the APRS-IS network.
However this will prevent remote hams to track the progress of the ATV
mobile or portable station via aprs.fi or similar.  So I think that in most
situations, ATV+APRS hams would still use WIDE1-1 or something.

I just thought about one type of events where the APRS and ATV range
would be much larger than usual: hot air balloon parties!  I have seen one of
those with 100+ hot air ballons and a few hams participating (back when
I was 12).  In this case the skip zone is the radio horizon, I would guess.

Another one is skydivers.  They had one such event at Pacificon where
APRS-equipped jumpers jumped off a plane in Northern California.  The
ATV booth at Pacificon was talking and showing stuff about them but
I don't remember if they actually had ATV cameras on jumpers, they
might just have been on the ground.  I kick myself for not checking
their booth more carefully!

Bernard KI6TSF

On Sun, Dec 11, 2011 at 12:10 AM, Pat Cook <kb0oxd at gmail.com> wrote:
> But putting a message like that out over THE ENTIRE APRS NETWORK
> wouldn't do anybody any good if they're out of range of ATV (As in
> SKIP ZONES away) to see the event though.  A more prudent idea would
> be to LOCALIZE it first.  If you get DX reception reports, then great
> BUT don't hang your hat on getting any
> Just sayin'.....
> Cheers & 73 :)
> On Sat, Dec 10, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Bernard Van Haecke
> <bernard.vanhaecke at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This sounds like an excellent idea, especially given the impressive
>> distance travelled
>> by the runners (and hams).  This would be a perfect exercise to
>> test/practice APRN
>> during a large event.  There aren't that many events where hams are going over a
>> long distance and where tracking with APRS + visualizing what's
>> happening with SSTV
>> is both useful and fun!
>> By the way I was wondering if something interesting could be done with
>> too.  I think that geotagging a QSO (voice or image) with APRS
>> position packets (or
>> even other data packets) is very useful in general.
>> Unlike with APRN, APRS + ATV would require two different frequencies.
>> 144.390 could
>> be used for position packets because everybody is listening to it already.
>> Packets could also include something like: "ATV EVENT! TUNE TO CH57 421.25" or
>> something like that to alert all hams around that they can see the ATV
>> transmission
>> on their TV by tuning to analog cable channel 57 (or 58, 59, 60) and
>> pointing their
>> antenna at the ATV transmitter (they get the position in the packets too, so
>> if the transmitter is ATV mobile or ATV portable, this will be even
>> more useful).
>> The very very advanced hams could use a rotor and track the mobile ATV station
>> automatically based on the position packets they receive (some easy programming
>> and interfacing would be required).  Since ATV is usually low power,
>> good aiming of
>> the receiver antenna might actually be very very useful.
>> Just an idea...  I hope to try out ATV in the coming weeks...
>> Bernard KI6TSF
>> On Fri, Dec 9, 2011 at 1:58 PM, Bob Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:
>>>> Uh, what exactly is being tracked?
>>>> They're not passing the ball _that_ far out of bounds, are they? ;-)
>>> Oops, sorry...
>>> The web page is http://aprs.org/football.html
>>> It fills in the background and then links to APRS.FI.
>>> I am kicking myself for not putting an SSTV camera in the van and letting
>>> people all over the world take a picture by sending an Email to the FBALL
>>> callsign, and then viewing it on APRN.
>>> See the current APRN concept:  http://www.chryseis.be/~bvh/starlabs/aprn/
>>> There you see how Bernard Van Haecke KI6TSF has really put together a great
>>> APRN system!  The idea of APRSN, is that you take a picture, send it via the
>>> local APRN voice repeater in your area, where it gets captured into the APRN
>>> network where your APRS position and comments are then attached to the
>>> caputed image, and immediately available for all the world to see... in
>>> SECONDS!  Imagine the first responder application..
>>> And now that you can buy SSTV cameras from Argent Data Systems for under $80
>>> bucks, compared to the old $500 Kenwood VCH1, maybne now is the time for
>>> SSTV integrated with APRS to come back alive!
>>> Bob, Wb4APR
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> --
> Pat Cook, KB0OXD
> Denver, CO
> KB0OXD Cybershack - http://www.wix.com/kb0oxd/kb0oxd/
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