[aprssig] New APRS Device, The YagTracker!

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Wed Aug 17 14:23:24 EDT 2011

On 8/17/2011 2:12 PM, Stephen H. Smith wrote:
> You mention the following bullet-list features:
> - Map plot screen plots all in station list
> - Map plot has "show callsign" feature to see who is who
> - Map plot can be oriented "North Up" or auto-rotate in direction of 
> travel
> Does this mean the device has some sort of internal mapping 
> capability, or does this mean when used with an external display GPS 
> with GPWPL capability?

Not to steal Jason's thunder, but if you watch the video clip, you'll 
see that the "map" (at least currently) is a circle showing the 
positions of the stations from the station list relative to your current 
position which is apparently at the center of the circle.

He goes on to mention the GPWPL as a separate feature so if you have a 
map-displaying device that handles this NMEA sentence, then you'll have 
that in addition to the internal display's "map".

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ

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