[aprssig] APRS Messages and Operating Codes (Q & Z)

Stephen H. Smith wa8lmf2 at aol.com
Mon Apr 25 15:08:37 EDT 2011

On 4/25/2011 11:54 AM, Bob Bruninga wrote:
> On 4/25/2011 8:25 AM, Bob Bruninga wrote:
>>>>> ...The problem is getting old fuds to consider
>>>>> using a keypad to do text messaging.  Kids eat
>>>>> it up and have no problem with it.
>>>> Once again:
>>> So do all the APRS radios.
>> The APRS radios are in the minority.
> Not really.  Even back in 2004, 38% of all APRS operators had a Kenwood D7
> or D700 APRS radio.  This represented 57% of all mobiles and more
> importantly, it represented almost 85% of all stations that are mobile with
> APRS send/receive capability.  I would imagine now with 8 full function APRS
> radios on the market, these percentages are higher.

And (at least around here in Southern Cal) the vast majority are being used as 
TX-only trackers; i.e. as a all-in-one appliance alternative to kludging 
together a TinyTrack and non-APRS radio.     Witness the success of Allen's VHS 
all-in-one tracker devices that go even farther in combining the GPS, TinyTrack 
and radio into a single box.

In over a decade of mobile operating with a FULLY message-capable APRS setup 
(i.e. mobile laptop attached to D700), I have had exactly five message 
exchanges and all but one of those was with a fixed station.   I actually built 
one of John Hansen's D700 keyboard adapters and combined it with a 
small-footprint PC keyboard in my D700 mobile setup (hoping to operate 
independently of the PC), but never found anyone able or willing to exchange 
messages on two meters.

[I've had far more message exchanges on 30M meters PSK63 APRS via the sound 
card APRS Messenger app (on the mobile PC) in one year, than in all the decades 
on two meters combined.]



Stephen H. Smith    wa8lmf (at) aol.com
EchoLink Node:      WA8LMF  or 14400    [Think bottom of the 2M band]
Skype:        WA8LMF
Home Page:          http://wa8lmf.net

=====  Vista & Win7 Install Issues for UI-View and Precision Mapping =====

*** HF APRS over PSK63 ***

"APRS 101"  Explanation of APRS Path Selection & Digipeating

>> For years, you have been hyping APRS-TT , etc
>> as a way for non-APRS-equipped radios to send
>> messages into the APRS network.
> Not really.  I have been hyping APRStt as a means for anyone with a DTMF
> radio to participate in the APRS network.  Usually for Status and Position
> reporting and for querying the network about others.  The APRStt DTMF
> protocol does provide for rudnamentary messaging, but it does not make sense
> to use it for a lot of alphabetic texting.
> We use the DTMF texting when the particular EVENT information is conducive
> to numeric info.  Such as troop numbers and scores from numbered
> checkpoints.  Such as 13 995 95 which means that station 13 is reporting
> troop 995 got a score of 95 at this location.  Its even shorter than a
> phone number....
> Although we demonstrated such DTMF texting a few years ago, since then, at
> this local event we do every year, 100% of the operators now show up with
> some kind of full function messaging APRS radio, that we have not used the
> DTMF as much as it couild be  used.
> I still do lament that so few people with these APRS radios actually use
> them for texting...
> Bob, WB4APR
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