[aprssig] aprssig Digest, Vol 82, Issue 18

Vic Fraenckel windswaytoo at gmail.com
Tue Apr 19 21:54:39 EDT 2011

>> Is there any possibility that an APRS parser exists
>> for either the Arduino (C++) or the Netduino (C#) platform?
> What do you do with the result?  Display?


Since its rather simple to connect a 'duino to the internet, I would 
consider some sort of app to display some selected tracking data. I must 
admit that I have no specific application in mind, but would think more 
about it if I was sure that a parser was available.

As am aside; My son is a 'droid app guy so I was interested in hearing 
that a APRS app is available for that platform.

I am partial to the Netduino as it can be programmed using Visual C# 
Express. I am just jumping into C# by porting my VB.Net geodesy app to VC#.

Any app suggestions?

Vic Fraenckel
windswaytoo ATSIGN gmail DOT com

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