[aprssig] APRSdroid 1.0 has been released

Georg Lukas georg at op-co.de
Mon Apr 18 16:59:08 EDT 2011


* Rud Merriam <k5rud at arrl.net> [2011-04-18 22:21]:
> George - had a moment of confusion because you default the SSID to
> 10 which is also the SSID for my Winlink RMS Packet station. Not
> sure how to resolve that issue since I guess both are technically
> correct as "non-RF devices".

The SSIDs are only a suggestion. I think there was already an update
issued to the SSID table which basically makes most of them "free to use
for whatever". Besides of that, I would resolve it by changing APRSdroid
to use -7 for "handheld"... ;)

> I am not seeing nearby stations on the map. Should that be working?

If you are using the TCP connection, you should see nearby stations both
in the Hub and on the Map after your first position report.

Before that, the APRS-IS network does not know where you are ;)

Other connection types than TCP do not support receiving packets at all.

73 from Germany,
Georg DO1GL (Author of APRSdroid)
|| http://op-co.de ++  GCS/CM d-- s: a- C+++ UL+++ !P L+++ E--- W++  ++
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++ IRCnet OFTC OPN ||________________________________________________||
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