[aprssig] Fwd: BLGPS in the Air

Greg Clark k7rkt at bigredbee.com
Thu Nov 18 11:42:20 EST 2010

Let's hope this one lands before the batteries die!

On Thu, Nov 18, 2010 at 8:32 AM, Steve Noskowicz <noskosteve at yahoo.com>wrote:

> Looks like it leveled off, bobing around 114,000 ft. for the last two hrs.
> --
> 73, Steve, K9DCI USN (Vet) MOT (Ret) Ham (Yet)
> FYI to the groups, as this is cool stuff. Dave K7GPS
> FYI, not sure what you call it when this happens, but looks like we've got
> a "floater" ?!!!
> http://aprs.fi/?call=k6rpt-11
> http://www.californianearspaceproject.com/
> Currently at 113K, looks like this one is going to land a bit further away
> than projected!
> This is an altitude attempt, current record is 128,379
> -- Greg
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