[aprssig] APRStt lives! (APRSspeak)
Robert Bruninga
bruninga at usna.edu
Tue May 18 10:10:55 EDT 2010
> The part I'm having trouble appreciating is:
>> The POWER of APRStt and APRSspeak is that it
>> lets 100% of a club or all volunteers at a
>> special event communicate inportant information,
>> not just the 10% that have APRS capability.
>> Not just position, but simple messages and
>> numeric data can be sent.
> If the information is to be sent via DTMF, that
> is not necessarily better than just saying it.
Many advantages:
1) 30 people waiting to 'say it' on the directed net frequency
takes *forever*
2) the DTMF data is machine readable and never again has to be
touched by human error
3) The DTMF data can be routed *automatically* anywhere,
anytime, locally or globally
4) 'Saying' it requires 30 people to listen and be cognizant of
what is going on on the voice net so that they know when it is
their turn or when it is appropriate to make their call. This
is a *huge* waste of resources.. Keeping everyone
half-distracted listening to mind numbing info of no value to
them while also having to listen for important info on the same
5) By taking all the mind-numbing repetative data off the voice
channel, then the channel is much more available and useable for
more important traffic...
Please see the example we use every year for our Boy Scout
camporee... www.aprs.org/aprsevent.html
> This may also require some education as to
> how to send the data if it is alphanumeric
> -- "for this message, push this".
Every event has a hand-out for participants, even if it is
totally voice oriented because there is just so much important
background that everyone should know. In the APRStt supported
event, this handout contains the event map (with 1 or 2 digit
grid overlayed) and instrutions for any particular data entry.
> With a few preprogrammed DTMF sequences,
> a station only has to send the DTMF and
> he is identified by his PL/DCS code.
> Sending DTMF may allow capturing data directly
> by the system rather than writing it down.
Yes! Now we are talking...
> So... yea. I'm haviang trouble seeing much benefit.
It's a benefit wherever we have lots of people running around
with HT's and we might need to know where they are without
having to have it clogging up the voice channel. Also helps
where there is simple data or typical pre-saved messages are
frequencly used.
Again, see the web page..
Bob, Wb4aPR
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