[aprssig] Hacked eMAIL

KA7O ka7o at ka7o.net
Sun Mar 14 17:44:37 EDT 2010


The email announcing the 'jack' has done more harm to everyone listed as 
a recipient than the jack itself may have done. Now, all those 
'verified' addresses are on everyone's PC that has subscribed to this 
list. You know at least a few of them have to be compromised, so now - 
those addresses are vulnerable to harvesting.

Publicly exposing anyone else's email address like this is really rather 
rude and inconsiderate. That's what "BCC" is for. It's rude enough, I'd 
suspect the email announcing the 'jack' is the jack itself and not 
actually from Matt!

> ------- Original message -------
>> From: Matt a <projecthiker at yahoo.com>
>> To: anitra at entercom.com, aprssig at lists.tapr.org, aprssig at tapr.org,
>> brars-owner at googlegroups.com, brarsreview at googlegroups.com,
>> contest at wingworldmag.com, coordinators-request at emcomus.org,
>> customercare at averatec.com, fairrisjunecaves at yahoo.com,
>> greg at bigredbee.com, info at geosat.us, josua.george at gmail.com,
>> ladyvolleyball at yahoo.com, pookie54 at charter.net,
>> sar-aprs-subscribe at sbsar.org, swendelken at greenvillecounty.org,
>> usgscatalog at usgs.gov, webmaster at upstaterose.com,
>> wharfedalepro at iagpro.com, wpfp at yahoo.com, metricprecision56 at gmail.com,
>> newslettersct at yahoo.com, angel at emediagrp.com,
>> goddess_chylde at yahoo.com, bethm6404 at charter.net, tonkovicb at yahoo.com,
>> bmork at cityofgreer.org, bmork at cityofgreer.org, wetrike at gmail.com,
>> fan4dj88 at netzero.com, butchmak at gmail.com, cmlozano at bellsouth.net,
>> startexfirelady at gmail.com, CarterT at usa.redcross.org,
>> cartert at usa.redcross.org, ChapterT at charter.net, gwrra.sc.t at gmail.com,
>> cpeder at usgs.gov, bakersmopar at yahoo.com, clyde-alex at hotmail.com,
>> dadoc127 at hotmail.com, crmaras61 at charter.net, dlcurrie08 at charter.net,
>> ladyvolleyball at yahoo.com, shayna_rya at yahoo.com, shayna_rya at yahoo.com,
>> danyelf422 at hotmail.com, davewatson at charter.net, DPerla at ghs.org,
>> dbouvia at cityofgreer.org, GreenvilleARES at googlegroups.com,
>> GreenvilleARES at googlegroups.com, amdudes at aol.com,
>> gwrra.sc.t at gmail.com, hrhoads at cityofgreer.org, ilovetowin at hotmail.com,
>> jbrockx2 at charter.net, jimlee at remax.net, jhwpa7 at aol.com,
>> joe_rossi at live.com, jburns at cityofgreer.org, john_owens at bellsouth.net,
>> johnny.allison at aautomation.com, jeowings at charter.net,
>> pastelcolors5 at aol.com, parkatrina at hotmail.com, info at festivalnews.info,
>> cashear at bellsouth.net, lcampbell at cityofgreer.org,
>> milebackmouth at yahoo.com, marcelle at charter.net, marisa.dyma at gmail.com,
>> marisa.dyma at gmail.com, mcs6306 at hotmail.com, kf4nxs at charter.net,
>> wpfp at sprint.blackberry.net, kf4nxs at charter.net,
>> goddess_chylde at yahoo.com, 9109900509 at message.alltel.com,
>> notify-dg-goldwingGL1100 at yahoogroups.com,
>> notify-dg-SCHAMSWAP at yahoogroups.com, kittypat01 at bellsouth.net,
>> monapearson at charter.net, pcossano2002 at yahoo.com, maeporter at rogers.com,
>> camphonda at aol.com, rhondamcmurtry at yahoo.com, imru at usa.com,
>> rswofford at spartanburgcounty.org, rswofford at spartanburgcounty.org,
>> RSmith9274 at aol.com, ronbec5177 at aol.com, ronbec5177 at aol.com,
>> jburns at cityofgreer.org, kb0kbj at hotmail.com, timmamma at aol.com,
>> kat_wolf_ranch at live.com, tuntouchablef at ninewest.com,
>> tuntouchablef at ninewest.com, VMontgo32 at aol.com, wcossano at bellsouth.net,
>> cossanocdsct at yahoo.com, aprssig at lists.tapr.org, tonkovicb at yahoo.com,
>> bmork at cityofgreer.org, brars-owner at googlegroups.com,
>> brarsreview at googlegroups.com, cartert at usa.redcross.org,
>> ChapterT at charter.net, cpeder at usgs.gov, bakersmopar at yahoo.com,
>> coordinators-request at emcomus.org, dadoc127 at hotmail.com,
>> customercare at averatec.com, shayna_rya at yahoo.com, DPerla at ghs.org,
>> GreenvilleARES at googlegroups.com, amdudes at aol.com, greg at bigredbee.com,
>> hrhoads at cityofgreer.org, info at geosat.us, jbrockx2 at charter.net,
>> joe_rossi at live.com, jburns at cityofgreer.org, john_owens at bellsouth.net,
>> johnny.allison at aautomation.com, jeowings at charter.net,
>> josua.george at gmail.com, info at festivalnews.info,
>> lcampbell at cityofgreer.org, marcelle at charter.net,
>> wpfp at sprint.blackberry.net, 9109900509 at message.alltel.com,
>> monapearson at charter.net, rhondamcmurtry at yahoo.com,
>> rswofford at spartanburgcounty.org, ronbec5177 at aol.com,
>> sar-aprs-subscribe at sbsar.org, swendelken at greenvillecounty.org,
>> kat_wolf_ranch at live.com, tuntouchablef at ninewest.com,
>> usgscatalog at usgs.gov, webmaster at upstaterose.com,
>> wharfedalepro at iagpro.com, metricprecision56 at gmail.com,
>> angel at emediagrp.com, bethm6404 at charter.net, wetrike at gmail.com,
>> butchmak at gmail.com, cmlozano at bellsouth.net, startexfirelady at gmail.com,
>> clyde-alex at hotmail.com, crmaras61 at charter.net, dlcurrie08 at charter.net,
>> ladyvolleyball at yahoo.com, gwrra.sc.t at gmail.com,
>> ilovetowin at hotmail.com, jhwpa7 at aol.com, jimlee at remax.net,
>> pastelcolors5 at aol.com, cashear at bellsouth.net, kf4nxs at charter.net,
>> kittypat01 at bellsouth.net, pcossano2002 at yahoo.com, camphonda at aol.com,
>> RSmith9274 at aol.com, VMontgo32 at aol.com, wcossano at bellsouth.net,
>> cossanocdsct at yahoo.com
>> Sent: 14.3.'10, 16:44
>> Someone has jacked my acct and sent out emails. I have taken action
>> and changed passwords to rectify this happening again. Please
>> disregaurd emails sent.

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