[aprssig] Portable APRS

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Thu Dec 30 13:59:23 EST 2010

Or you can get a Windows Mobile cellphone with internal GPS and 
Bluetooth and add a bluetooth to serial connection to your external TNC 
(or the RC-D710) and run APRSISCE on the phone.  If you've got a valid 
SIM card and data plan, you can even be a mobile, bi-directional IGate 
or without the data connection or SIM, just have a much nicer map-based 
interface to APRS, including full-up messaging.  All available today!

See http://aprsisce.wikidot.com/start for more details.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - Author of APRSISCE for Windows Mobile and Win32

Eric Hansen wrote:
> I follow your line of thought because i've gone down roughly the same 
> line. One development interesting to me is the ability for the iPad to 
> operate as a USB or RS232 host. The USB is already on the market as a 
> digital camera interface. The same company is making an official DB9 
> and RJ11 serial output dongle. I would like my APRS to be something 
> the size of a tablet, or smaller, and offer the ability to do anything 
> that an old dekstop computer with TNC and radio could do. The iPad has 
> a GPS chipset inside already, so there is really nothing stopping 
> someone with enough know-how from making a two piece solution.
> www.byonics.com <http://www.byonics.com> makes the Tiny Trak series of 
> TNCs. They have several dumb tracker solutions on various PCBs. The 
> radio from the 10w AIO, a TT3 or 4 TNC, and someone to write an apple 
> store app would make the smallest solution i've been able to think of.
> On Thu, Dec 30, 2010 at 1:10 PM, John Davis <john.r.davis.jr at gmail.com 
> <mailto:john.r.davis.jr at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Question.
>     I am a new to the HAM community, so please excuse my ignorance in
>     advance. I have been involved in technology for a long time until
>     a friend of mine, Mike (KN8J) peaked my interest in APRS. I
>     purchased an RC-D710 with the intentions of creating an HT setup
>     similar to what Bob did. With that said, I am realizing there is a
>     problem with input, it is a slow and tedious process and a
>     limitation to APRS.
>     What I mean is that using the keypad is fine, but long and kind
>     of unnecessary. I am starting to feel the need for a keyboard on
>     an HT or something more than a keypad. Pardon my reference, but
>     similar to the need for them on smartphones and cellphones. If we
>     are to get a mass adaptation there needs to be an easy way to
>     utilize all of its features.
>     I am contemplating hacking away at my RC-D710 to use the keyboard
>     over serial(if possible), but I think that if we
>     can incorporate Bluetooth with a VX-8DR/R we should be able to
>     make or allow a keyboard to be connected to an HT/mobile unit to
>     allow better data input. 
>     Another idea I have is to create a device with a
>     dedicated transceiver(Micro-Trak TinyTrak4) in the same case as a
>     picoITX motherboard(EPIA-P820) using either an SSD or CF card as a
>     hdd in a fanless case, and mount some form of 7in
>     monitor(touchscreen or not) and keyboard on this device. This
>     device should be light and self contained, with a battery life of
>     5 hours on transmit/receive. I think I could make it work.
>     My question is this: Why are we still so limited to computers for
>     data input and monitoring with APRS when we have so many great
>     technologies at our fingertips for pretty cheap.
>     If anyone is interested in my ideas please let me know and I can
>     discuss them with you, on or off the thread. Thank you everyone!
>     -- 
>     John R Davis Jr
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