[aprssig] New kid on the block

Randy Allen ka0azs at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 11 20:52:38 EST 2010

Check out the "new kid" on the APRS Client block, APRSIS32.

I'm currently running it as my base station software and this will 
probably finally replace APRS +SA as my primary software when 
mobile/deployed for an event.

Free, Easy set up, open source maps (which have been pretty accurate in 
my area and no more outdated than MapPoint or Delorme), works with any 
KISS TNC (I just had to re-learn how to put my MFJ 1270 into KISS mode), 
and functionally the closest windows program to the original fit and 
feel of DOS APRS (my personal benchmark).

It's also under current development with an author that is actively 
engaged and making updates (and no, that was NOT a shot at UI View, just 
a fact. WINAPRS and +SA are pretty dormant as well).

Details at http://aprsisce.wikidot.com/

Another current client is APRSPoint which uses MS MapPoint maps.  Also 
with an author currently actively developing it, but it is not free ($77 
with a copy of MapPoint, $47 if already have it) and has a bit more of a 
learning curve. I have a registered copy and will keep it as a back up 
and in situation where the MapPoint might be of more use than the open 
source one used by APRSIS32 (such as plotting event routes, etc) 

Hope this helps



kc8sfq at mei.net wrote:
> Hi all:
> I've been lurking here for a while. I have a question that will,
> doubtless, be so obvious that it never needs to come up on the forum.
> I am just getting started with APRS. I have built, and used, a tracker 
> (Argent's OT1). and I have a TNC (an old MFJ) a GPS (Magellan hand held 
> with NMEA serial output), and a laptop (Dell Inspiron 8600). I 
> understand that these are most of the bits and pieces i need. My 
> question regards running APRS for more than just beaconing. Some of the 
> new radios have all this functionality built in, but I'm working on a 
> budget and need to use the old stuff I already have.
> My goal is to be able to run a mapping program while mobile that shows 
> my location and updates as I move. It should also plot the stations 
> around me and post any messages addressed to my call. I currently run 
> DeLorme with this GPS and I like the mapping capability. I am not 
> adverse to using another program to integrate the APRS functionality if 
> need be.
> As I said at the outset, this is probably REAL basic to some of you. I, 
> however, am a newbie. Any recommendations as to software, hardware and 
> any other things that might lead me along would e greatly appreciated.
> Thanks and 73; KC8SFQ

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