[aprssig] Future Concept for APRS

Bob Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sun Sep 20 19:48:09 EDT 2009

>Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ

You seem to have a great handle on APRS and the APRS-IS.  Do you know a lot about the internet workings of Echolink?

It seems to me that a marriage between APRS Messaging and Echolink CHAT window is a natural.   Two examples:

1) Im mobile and I hear a wide area Echolink Conference in progress.  Many linkedd repeaters.  A Netcontrol taking checkins on his CHAT window.  It wiould be a good iddea if I coudl send an APRS message to one of the callsigns or to the netconrol call that I hear and my APRS message should sshow up in the chat window of everyone on that conference.

2) Im in a QSO with a conference and am online on Echolink.  I should he able to use that same CHAT window to send a message to some "other callsign" I want to join the net.  If that "other callsign" exists in APRS, then the CHAT should be converted to an APRS message and sent on the APRS network for possible delivery if that other callsign is mobile or otherwise avaialble on APRS an not present on Echolink...


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