[aprssig] [ScoutRadio] APRS at the 2010 BSA Jamboree?

Bob Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sat Oct 31 10:32:25 EDT 2009

We really do need to get going on firm planning for APRS at jamboree 2010.  The most important part will be identifying those people that are APRS savvy and will be there.

> *  Will the APRS [digi]peaters outside of the 
> Jamboree be able to handle low power hand held 
> APRS from the Jamboree?  
> Did anyone do this in 2005?

We will need to install one-or more on-site digis for handheld coverage.  But that is as simple as a few mobile D700s parked in a few places or some small portable digis.

> * Thinking ahead... what would make a 
> nice APRS demo for the boys at the 
> Jamboree?  (send an email home?
> would they care it was via APRS? 
> -- radiograms are sent out every day 
> mostly via packet) 

When we identify all the APRS hams that will be there, we must also find how many of them can bring along a tracker device or 2-way APRS HT.  There just may be enough of them to provide some fun tracking of existing people as the move around.

But sending Email FROM THE HT out in the field or in the subcamps to mee is the killer-ap...

Maybe prepare a FLAG that is UNIQUE to APRS that indicates THAT FLAG or bearer is being tracked over at K2BSA?  Or an OVERSHIRT saying "See me on APRS.FI" See ham radio!


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