[aprssig] UIDIGI Setup

Ed L Locklear kf4chg at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 08:48:29 EST 2009

Bob & Keith,

Your points are well taken and I can agree with both comments.
However, I did not want the main topic to get OT nor get into a hazing
as to which has the better idea.

I would appreciate comments on the original post (pro/cons) on the
Beacon2Text and Beacon3Text.  As for the Beacon#Path for each, I would
set these to "LOCAL".

As Tim - N8DEU pointed out, the configuration is not quite within APRS
Paradigm recommendations.  The custodian of the EchoLink Node is not
APRS savvy as of yet or else I would let him do the honors.

I do appreciate everyones response but, please let us stay on the
original posting.


On Thu, Nov 5, 2009 at 6:39 AM, Robert Bruninga <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:
>> According to Bob, WB4APR it is not recommended to use
>> software driven programs for creating info type
>> objects and to let the digipeaters [do] this function.
>> UI-View does just fine generating objects.
> Just to clarify.  That's not the point.
> The point is for "info type" objects generated by "software
> driven" programs [at non-digi-locations].  The reasons these
> localinfo frequency objects are best generated at the digi are:
> 1) Only the digi can hear the channel and avoid colliding with
> users
> 2) Only the digi can generate these packets direct over the
> coverage area
> 3) Home generated objects have to use 1 hop which collides with
> other users
> 4) Home objects usually use the station's set path, usually 2
> hops
> 5) Anything beyond the local digi is SPAM and MISSINFORMATION
> Result is that the QRM and collision potential of these objects
> is 16 times greater when generated at a  home station than at
> the digi.  And all those unwanted copies are in areas where the
> object is useless SPAM. (A 2 hop path where most digis can hear
> 4 others = 16 dupes.  Compared to ONE packet that is guaranteed
> not to collide with anything).
>> If you don't have a digi at your disposal and UI-View is
>> the right tool and in the right place, then why not?
> If your area is remote from all other traffic, then of coruse,
> it is ok to generate these at home, but PLEASE limit them to 1
> hop.  The SPAM issue trumps all else.  I hate seeing a frequency
> object and then QSY to find *that it is 3 counties away that I
> cannot use*.
>> In my opinion, a digi is not the right tool
>> to generate an object for an IRLP or EchoIRLP node.
> Maybe slightly better wording here would be..
> " the IRLP or Echolink node itself is the far better
> " place to generate these objects if you can afford
> " the extra radio and TNC....
>> The APRS status script running right on the node
>> would be live and up-to-the-minute, indicating
>> the status (connected to, idle, disabled etc.)
> Bob
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