[aprssig] UIDIGI Setup

Ed L Locklear kf4chg at gmail.com
Wed Nov 4 12:21:37 EST 2009

I am going to be putting up a UIDIGI 1.93 B3 here in Columbia Co., FL
as soon as the 150 ft. tower is erected.  Below are the settings I've
programmed into the ROM.  I would like any comments or suggestions on
the configuration before it is put on the air.

Beacon1Interval        =       600  (10 minute interval)

Beacon2Interval        =       609  (10.15 minute interval)

Beacon3Interval        =       618  (10.30 minute interval)

Beacon1Text            =       !3007.06NS08239.31W#PHG5460/W3,FLn Lake City FL

Beacon2Text            =
;EL-465550*111111z3011.54NE08238.59W0147.510MHz R05m W4VD-L

Beacon3Text            =
;146.94-FL*111111z3008.43N/08239.10WrT123 R35m Net Th1930 Mtg 3rd Mon

Beacon1Path            =       WIDE2-2

Beacon2Path            =

Beacon3Path            =

AuxPath                =

I've been monitoring here at my QTH with UI-View (NF4CQ-1 I-Gate)  at
5 watts output on the radio.  So far it looks ok on the output for
local objects being displayed on the map.  However, I am concerned
about overloading receiving stations message buffer (TM-D700,
TM-D710A, & others).

Any suggestions and/or comments would be appreciated.


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