[aprssig] Newbie Path Question

Josh Smith juicewvu at gmail.com
Sun May 17 07:54:39 EDT 2009

I did some more playing around last night and this morning.  And it
appears as if there is a digi closer to me than the ones on the
aprs.fi map.  However it never ACK's anything unless I have relay in
the path, which I understand is obsoleted.  How can I find out the
call of this digi.  I would like to contact the owner and see if we
can get it reconfigured with non obsolete settings.

Josh Smith

email/jabber:  juicewvu at gmail.com
phone:  304.237.9369(c)

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On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 11:57 PM, Keith VE7GDH <ve7gdh at rac.ca> wrote:
> Josh KD8HRX wrote...
>> I have changed this setting to relay,wide4-4 and things seem to be
>> working much better now. I'm not very confident in my understanding
>> of this setting but I believe that this means that my packet will be
>> digipeated by up to 4 digipeaters before it "expires". Could some one
>> tell me if my understanding is correct?
>> Also what is the difference between using wide and trace in the path
>> setting and which should I use for my normal operations?
> You have already received some good replies from Ron and John. It
> has unfortunate if there is still a digi in your area that responds to
> RELAY. It has been obsolete in North America for something like 4-5
> years now. If you did actually hit a digi that still responded to the
> obsolete RELAY, the four additional hops from WIDE4-4 would make a
> total of 5 hops which would be considered an overly long and abusive
> path in most locations. Read up on the ALOHA principal. You should try
> and keep your beacons within your own ALOHA circle. Any more than that
> is just creating QRM.
> Most places in North America, WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 will be the path to use.
> If you really need a longer path, try WIDE1-1,WIDE2-2 but only if it is
> really needed. You can always use "state flooding" if you truly need to
> propagate something to greater distances than you normally need to go.
> Such a path would be referred to as SSn-N where "SS" is the two letter
> abbreviation for your state. It should be preceded by WIDE1-1 to make
> it traceable... e.g. WIDE1-1,SSn-N where again, the SS represents your
> state.
> Both the WIDEn-N and fill-in digis will respond to WIDE1-1, but if you
> are heard direct by a high WIDEn-N digi, that's great. In WIDEn-N, the
> "n" is the number of hops requested, and the "N" is how many hops remain
> or are as yet unused. The digis that respond to WIDE1-1 only are called
> "fill-in" digis. Their purpose is to help mobile stations make it to
> higher WIDEn-N digis usually in hilly terrain or in the "concrete
> jungle" in town. As each digipeater acts on your beacon, it inserts its
> own callsign to make it traceable. The "N" is decremented when it goes
> through the digi. When it reaches zero, the "N" is used up and it won't
> be digipeated any further.
> Just remember that RELAY, WIDE, TRACE and TRACEn-N are
> obsolete in North America. If you are aware of a digi that responds
> to the obsolete RELAY, try and contact the operator and politely ask
> them to update their digi's settings. The replacement for RELAY is
> WIDE1-1.
> PS - you did the right thing in asking about your path! You can't be
> criticized in initially using RELAY as it is one of the default settings
> in the D7. While it is now obsolete at least in this continent, you can
> now update your settings knowing that you are using the recommended
> path for mobile stations.
> 73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
> --
> "I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!"
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