[aprssig] emergency beacon called wide1-1 today

Rusty Hemenway nnn0fjk at gmail.com
Sun Mar 15 22:16:20 EDT 2009


Here is a link to a plug-in for UIView that will give you info on any
Emergency beacons within the area you are monitoring.  Suggest downloading
version 1.1 and then 1.23 and overwriting the Exe. File from the original
download.  Works well, and I promise it will wake you up if a emergency
beacon is received.  


When you first run the program make sure you select English and the other US
type settings.  The basic instructions are in Italian, but there is enough
English so you can make it work.  It does need UI-VIEW to work

Rusty k1GGS

-----Original Message-----
From: aprssig-bounces at tapr.org [mailto:aprssig-bounces at tapr.org] On Behalf
Of Mr Jeffrey L Ross
Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2009 11:20 AM
To: TAPR APRS Mailing List
Subject: Re: [aprssig] emergency beacon called wide1-1 today

hi folks, wow, lots of discussion about the emerg. beacon called wide1-1, 
Even the pilot/ham wrote me back. neat.
anyway, heres what I have to say about it. I wish or would of liked it be a 
callsign instead of a route/path
that i had to try to make contact with. as were not allowed to make contact 
with non-hams. unless of course it is a emergency. as this may have been. 
but glad i was working with this web page the last few weeks so I know that 
most if not all were not real that i was seeing on the web page. (emergency 
beacons heard last 24 hours)  also i have here a msg that was said was sent 
from wide1-1 to do3box.
(Genau, Freut mich, dass es Funk) what ever that means and what ever call 
that was too. Don't look like a call to me, but may be a foriegn one. As I 
was reading some of the post I seen that a tnc may use wide1-1 as a default 
or call. not just in the route, like nocall is used. anyway, I am learning 
more and more about aprs and injoying it. now if i can find that add on for 
uiview for emergency beacons I will add it on to mine. but make sure I know 
the process before I turn it on. oh one more thing, I signed up for that 
email sent when emergency beacon is there, but I think its not working as I 
did not get one for wide1-1 or the other call that was there. Does anyone 
know if its going to work or is working?
thats kind of neat. 73

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