[aprssig] CQ FD shame on you

Bill V WA7NWP wa7nwp at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 15:06:55 EDT 2009

> Unfortunately, FD isn't about emergency preparedness.  It's about POINTS.
> My interest wained when I found that the most important subject for FD was
> who's bringing the BBQ

We are the ARRL.   We are the fuddy duddies...   FD is what we make
it.    I made zero points but got both the CW key and new Tigertronics
USB interface hooked to the FT817.  I also have a list of things to
add both to the radio go box as well as some kits I carry in the car.
 That's in addition to a great day in the sun talking geek with my
pals.   What could be better?   (Answer - two days...)

Bill - WA7NWP

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