[aprssig] APRS Clients Blackberry

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Tue Jun 23 13:04:19 EDT 2009

I have written a "traditional" APRS client application for Windows 
Mobile (sorry, not Blackberry).  I can certainly confirm Steve's 
analysis of the battery situation for an "always on" application like 
APRS-IS.  My AT&T Tilt battery lasts 2-3 hours tops before it is 
exhausted.  However, most of that consumption is actually the screen and 
the GPS.  If I disable my GPS, and turn my screen off, I can run 4-6 
hours with a steady stream of APRS-IS activity covering a 70 mile circle 
over Central Florida.

My solution: keep the phone on an adapter in the car, tethered when at 
home, and when I know I'll be mobile for an extended period, either 
disable the APRS client or use my 7.2v LiON external supply for the 
phone.  With two small externals and the on-board battery, I've gone 
12-16 hours of continuous GPS and APRS-IS activity.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ-12 - Author of APRSISCE (APRS-IS for Windows Mobile)

Steve Dimse wrote:
> I've never heard of one, I'm sure someone will chime in if there is.
> There is a problem with cell phone implementation of a traditional 
> APRS client. You need to stay connected in order to continuously parse 
> the incoming data. That means one of two choices: either you leave the 
> APRS application in the foreground, or multitasking. Only the Palm Pre 
> supports true multitasking at this point. I doubt one of the 30 
> applications available for the Pre is APRS ;-)
> The iPhone choses not to implement multitasking because of the drain 
> on the battery. Read a review of the Pre, and you will see what 
> happens when you start multitasking. An APRS application (whether 
> foreground or background) could drain a cell phone's batteries in a 
> few hours. Instead of multitasking Apple implemented a push 
> notification service which causes no additional battery drain to the 
> phone. Say someone sends a message to me. A web server could detect 
> that, and send a notification to the phone, sounding a tone, placing 
> an alert on the screen, and adding a numbered badge to the apps icon 
> to indicate the number of waiting alerts. This system could allow a 
> user to specify a number of other types of notifications, like a 
> station within n miles, NWS alerts, etc. I hope the author of IBCNU 
> for the iPhone will add this feature.
> To me this approach makes much more sensethan a traditional APRS client.
> Steve K4HG
> On Jun 23, 2009, at 12:24 PM, Duane Whittingham wrote:
>> Hi, i have a blackberry at work now and was wondering of there were 
>> any APRS clients
>> for the Blackberry platform, thanks.
>> Duane
>> -------------------------------------------------------
>> Amateur Radio Operator
>> Duane Whittingham - N9SSN
>> Skywarn, ARES, SATERN
>> City of Chicago CERT Member
>> Red Cross Disaster Services Technology Member
>> Red Cross ECRV Certified
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