[aprssig] Stand Alone WX
Michael Wolthuis
wolthui3 at msu.edu
Mon Jun 22 14:54:19 EDT 2009
Is there maybe a mode that the d710 does decode? We run our Peet units in
Packet Mode, but they do not decode on d710.
On 6/22/09 1:01 PM, "Tyler Griffiths" <n7uwx at comcast.net> wrote:
> The TM-D710 does not decode unless I set the wx station wrong.
> Tyler
> On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 7:56 AM, Robert Bruninga<bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:
>>> Speaking of Peet Brothers...
>>> We set up an 2100 running directly into a TNC
>>> for the Weather Service (KF6RAL-3)and noticed
>>> the data never gets seen by the Kenwood radios.
>> We did not expect to see raw WX formats on the air. At the time
>> of the APRS spec, there were 4 different formats from Peet Bros,
>> and 3 different instruments from Davis, and new ones were being
>> introduced every year. It was impossible to see the future and
>> see what would be the dominant formats. The APRS spec only had
>> one, and it was assumed that any remote APRS WX station would
>> have a processor to convert to the on-air APRS format.
>> Now Opentrack and Byonics and others have stations that can do
>> the conversions.
>> Also the TM-D710 does decode the Peet Packet mode on the air...
>> I think...
>> Bob
>>> On Sun, Jun 21, 2009 at 9:35 AM, Kriss A. Kliegle
>>> <kliegle at myfairpoint.net> wrote:
>>> I've been running a Peet for years as a stand alone WX
>>> digi. Since my site is solar powered, the power consumption
>>> is minimal. Just don't use/buy one w/a humidity sensor. They
>>> don't last but a few months, gave up replacing them. Another
>>> issue yet to be resolved is the flow of WX data to the KPC-3,
>>> usually in winter.Data will stop being updated and will send
>>> same temp and winds every transmission, or it will be corrupt
>>> and give rediculous temp and wind readings until I climb the
>>> hill and reset the Peet Bro WX Station, KPC-3, and/or both. I
>>> thought it was temperature related, but installing everything
>>> in a styrofoam cooler and using the heat of the radio's
>>> finals ( IC-2000 ) still didn't stop the unreliable WX data.
>>> Temp in the cooler was >60, even in the coldest of winter WX
>> in NH.
>>> Kriss KA1GJU (-3 WX Digi)
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>>> --
>>> Tyler Griffiths
>>> N7UWX
>>> See where I am:
>>> http://map.findu.com/n7uwx-12
>>> P. J. O'Rourke
>>> <http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/p/p_j_orourke.html>
>>> - "If government were a product, selling it would be
>> illegal."
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