[aprssig] EchoLink APRS-IS Ojbects Mothballed

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Fri Jul 24 09:08:47 EDT 2009

> Actually, if you look at the format of 
> the object, it's pretty humanly 
> readable as a message, so I think I'll 
> still use it in the response 
> message if/when I build an EchoLink 
> query server.

Great idea!

Yes, by watching the APRS-IS, you know where the requester is.
Then you check your EchoLink status, then you compute the Range
and bearing to the nearest EchoLink nodes and you send back this
message response:

147.105 T123 EL-123456  WX3XXX-R    NE 35mi

The spacing is made to fit the 12x12x12x9 message screen of the
D7 as follows:

| ESERVE       |
| 147.105 T123 |
|  EL-123456   |

| ESERVE       |
| WX3XXX-R     |
| NE 35mi      |

In phase 2, you check the requesters PHG range and the PHG Range
of the echolink node and if the two are in range, then you send
it.  You can also check his RADIO type and pre-format the
message slightlly differently for the D710 and VX8R

For the VX8R which has a 20x20x20x20 display, try this:

147.105 T123 NE 35m EL-123456  WX3XXX-R    

| ESERVE              |
| 147.105 T123 NE 35m |
| EL-123456  WX3XXX-R |

The Requests message can simply be a message to: ESERVE and
message content is: VHF 2 indicating you only want the nearest 2
VHF repeaters!

Go for it.
The APRS-IS can handle this right now, today.


> Robert Bruninga wrote:
> > No one has implemented the Item-in-message, so until Kenwood
> > Yaesu or Uiview or anyone else comes out with a new radio or
> > software with that feature, we cannot take advantage of its
> > benefits.  Sorry.  But at least we have it in line for the
> > future... 

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