[aprssig] EchoLink APRS-IS Ojbects Mothballed

Bill V WA7NWP wa7nwp at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 17:39:37 EDT 2009

>> Could you come up with a stand alone program
>> that given a lat/long would return info on
>> the N nearest active echolink nodes?
>> Given that,  it will be fairly simple to
>> tie it into the query or 'trk' functions
>> of Digi_ned so those of us who are interested
>> and would actually use it on RF could have a
>> solution.
> Yes, DIGI_NED, INFO-KIOSK and the original APRSdata engines can
> all provide this kind of local info.

We simply need the widget to fetch the Echolink data.  Lynn has done
the work so let's take advantage of his efforts.

>  But in a dozen years,
> people simply are not pushing this data out there.

We are so...   :-)

>  And if they
> are, they are usually SPAMING their local region with 2-hop
> objects.

As if we could get a packet in edgewise with all the misconfigured
smart (ha ha) beacons and LID trackers that beacon without listening
-- I wouldn't feel bad about adding to the clutter - but it's not a
concern as we're doing this on other channels.

> Hence our recent initiative to try to originate these
> centrally.

Do it with "RADIO" and I'll play.  Do it globally on an optional basis
to fill in the regions - that's great!   But please don't limit local
RF for a global Internet solution.

..  But for this to work through the APRS-IS, we have
> to have mobile's that can display an item-in-message.  This
> allows objects to be pushed through the APRS-IS and into a local
> Igate for devliery to a requesting mobile.  Being able to Query
> central data bases for localinfo is one of the driving needs for
> this function.
> This item-in-message has been on the requested-features list of
> APRS1.2 for about a year now..  It is the only reliable way to
> get a random remote OBJECT back through an Igate into a specific
> area.  www.aprs.org/aprs12.html

That issue is at a higher level then that..  We need a way to
arbitrarily PUSH info out to RF in a region..

Bill - WA7NWP

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