[aprssig] Thinking Out Loud About... Digipeaters

Curt, WE7U archer at eskimo.com
Thu Jul 23 13:41:51 EDT 2009

On Thu, 23 Jul 2009, Tom Hayward wrote:

> The WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,SAR7-7 path (SAR is arbitrary, you could use RACE,
> EVENT, etc.) gets you into the standard APRS network when available,
> but also allows for many hops in your temporary event infrastructure.

> Curt used to have a webpage that described this better, but I wasn't
> able to find it.

The Wiki that had that page disappeared, but I snagged the page from
him and have it in my e-mail somewhere.  I need to re-create it on
another Wiki, perhaps the Xastir wiki or the info.aprs.net Wiki.
Sorry about that!

Curt, WE7U.                         <http://www.eskimo.com/~archer>
    APRS:  Where it's at!                    <http://www.xastir.org>
   Lotto:  A tax on people who are bad at math. - unknown
Windows:  Microsoft's tax on computer illiterates. - WE7U.
The world DOES revolve around me:  I picked the coordinate system!"

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