[aprssig] Gating Objects from Internet to RF (fina?l)

Pete Loveall AE5PL Lists hamlists at ametx.com
Wed Jul 22 17:55:08 EDT 2009

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr)
> Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 4:49 PM
> So, a tactical FromCall with NO visibility as to who actually injected
> the packet is ok?

That is correct, in my opinion.

> And I get the following hourly rates for WINLINK traffic yesterday
> morning (Eastern USA time) from midnight to noon.
> 1091, 1061, 916, 608, 1060, 1055, 537, 548, 1076, 1064, 756, 854 for an
> hourly average of 885.5.
> And that's with my North American filter on the APRS-IS feed.  This
> confirms that the proposed EchoLink objects would be about double the
> observed WinLink rate IF we go with a one hour rate.

Yes, and those packets are spread out over the hour so there is no instantaneous massive spike.


Pete Loveall AE5PL
pete at ae5pl dot net

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