[aprssig] Gating Objects from Internet to RF (fina?l)

Steve Dimse steve at dimse.com
Wed Jul 22 16:10:47 EDT 2009

Maybe I missed something. Didn't everyone agree you should not be  
sending data with other hams callsigns as the origin?


On Jul 22, 2009, at 3:45 PM, Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) wrote:

> Curt,
> Done.  Check out the current proposed objects at http://ldeffenb.dnsalias.net/EchoLink.txt 
> .  It only uses PHG if the frequency doesn't adhere to the valid  
> ones listed in http://aprs.org/info/freqspec.txt, including the GHz  
> ranges near the bottom of that page.  Any "invalid" frequency will  
> still be included in the status text, but only in its owner- 
> specified format, not in a normalized FREQ object.
> Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ

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