[aprssig] APRS legality

joe at dellabarba.com joe at dellabarba.com
Thu Jan 29 08:09:03 EST 2009

Just FYI about 99% of my APRS packets are one-way telemetry. On my boat I am usually using the TinyTrack. On rare occasion I'll switch over to the PK-12, but it consumes far more power and I have only so many serial ports to go around to run things. Using the PK-12 means disabling the AIS system, which I don't like to do underway. I do have my 2 meter contact frequency embedded in my beacons, but so far no one has ever seen it and called me.
Flying is one way for sure, otherwise the tracker would never 'see' a clear spot to transmit.
I know it wasn't how it was originally intended, but "vehicle location" seems to be by far the primary APRS use nowadays.

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