[aprssig] What is the best GPS Data RX on the market now?

k4rjj at bellsouth.net k4rjj at bellsouth.net
Mon Jan 26 12:41:45 EST 2009


Looks like my next handheld!  
 -------------- Original message from Scott Miller <scott at opentrac.org>: --------------

> And if anyone cares, here's my own custom 5-conductor mini-B cable and 
> some notes on how to get NMEA out of these things:
> At a minimum, you need a 12k resistor and 5v power source.  It'll put 
> out TTL serial data.
> Scott
> N1VG
> Paul Vittorino wrote:
> > On Sun, Jan 25, 2009 at 11:20 PM, J T  wrote:
> >> Supposedly Garmin has an RS-232 cable in works for their Colorado series of
> >> handhelds, too, which will be nice to use with APRS thanks to their larger
> >> display.
> > Here is the link to the powered serial cable that works with the
> > Oregon (except for the 200) and Colorado
> > 
> > 
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