[aprssig] Another Bootlegger?

Steve Dimse steve at dimse.com
Mon Jan 5 11:44:25 EST 2009

If you want to jam efi, the best way would be direct on the aprs IS.  
Ideally, the daemon would listen for a report to come in, and then  
generate a random posit (or even a fixed posit in an ocean). That  
keeps the load to a minimum and makes it almost certain no one could  
ever get a good posit on the Internet servers.

You'd need to be sure there is only one of these daemons, otherwise it  
loops, but this would be a quick project for someone to bang out.

Steve K4HG

On Jan 4, 2009, at 9:10 PM, Shanon KA8SPW wrote:

> Hello All,
> How about we ALL set out aprs rigs to ETI-1 or 2 for a tactical call  
> sign for a few days?  Leave our call sign in the comment line.  Sure  
> would confuse the people wanting to track ETI.
> Or one person sends bogus locations on the net that would show the  
> station on a joy ride to say Las Vegas or Hawaii?
> I will put together an email with the story of how things worked out  
> when we found a bootlegger here in the Detroit area.  Long story.   
> Personal contact turned out to be the wrong thing to do.  Next time,  
> I will document and turn it over to the FCC!!!  He was a non ham  
> with a ham friend in Ohio who helped him install the system.......   
> Young kids, early 20's.
> 73 Shanon KA8SPW
> Doug Ferrell, KD4MOJ wrote:
>>     I wonder who could that be? [GRIN]  Actually it was a test to  
>> see if those could tell if my positioning was legal. Since the D700  
>> does not ID in CW and I wasn't using voice  on 144.390 every 10  
>> minutes in the commute as someone else suggested, and it doesn't do  
>> this: "An ID was sent out as required, but not in an APRS decodable  
>> standard packet, to maintain legality".
>>     So in essence on my trip to the grocery store with the tactical  
>> callsign of ETI-3, I was breaking FCC rules. Otherwise when I use  
>> my callsign (or tactical with my callsign in the beacon), I'm a law  
>> abiding amateur!
>> ...DOUG, KD4MOJ
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